ET Problem#49549854

I get ping of 400-900 and cant even move whenever i go to server.
all the other networking works fine, what to do?
Maybe you are just too fat? :S
play shootmania kthx
Restart computer.
piss on your keyboard
Sulla jääny joku vpn clientti päälle ku oot kattonu pornoa anonyymisti ?
mitäköhän helvettiä ? : DDDD
Mitä :D? Aattelin vaan ku itelle käy noin useesti, heti on pingi jotain 300-900.
Reduce your ping.
I think the problem is that you get ping of 400-900 and cant even move whenever you go to server and all the other networking works fine.
shut up bitch
eat potato
Enemy Territory ping.fix-tutorial :: [ ]
Start > CMD > "tracert [SERVERIP]"

and see where the miliseconds stack up.
Remove punkbuster map....Maybe that will help otherwise I don't know. This is not really the place to ask for help as you might have noticed.
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