EC final 2k12

very awesome gaming!! yes / no ?

did u know that razz played with default et-configs, winning EC final with default configs, how awesome is that :P

did u know that me and razz won like our 5th EC, both 3rd in row, EC dominators much?? Can snoop challenge us??

cu @ esl cup :P

mPG x/ Baggiez [Countdown]: in order to fly
mPG x/ Baggiez [Countdown]: i would have to be very muscular
mPG x/ Baggiez [Countdown]: and a plane

woooooo wooooooooo woooooooooo

sorry, maza is the dominator
wp and congratulations
polish best insult of the year : spaghetti mad
Viewer Peak: 157

we arranged a game today so it was requested on gamestv today at 16:10 - 6 hours before a game. It only has like 1500 views on gamestv whereas EC finals had always like 5000+. The crossfire newspost was written 3h30min before a game, it only has 1000 views. so considering this, 150 is not that bad.
don't waste your breath on dipshits. 8)
well it isn't that much tbh. Just shows that some people still love this game. But an EC final, one of the biggest games this year with a lot of known and pretty oldschool players, should atleast have 400-500 viewers. People only seem to care about the offline tournaments atm.
too many polaks in final to be worth seeing:)

"People only seem to care about the offline tournaments atm."

if that were true BFB final (online) wouldn't have had +800 viewers while Adroits had overall like ~500 on the final (stream+ettv).
battle for berlin? tosspot's tournament?

holy shit you seriously haven't read crossfire at all in the last year or something, stop writing comments about et being dead when you know nothing accurate about it.
alright shut up. Did I say ET is dead? No. Just wondering why only 157 watched the final. You're defending the game 24/7, calm down. If you want to save this game, do something instead of the 24/7 whine at people who say ET is dead.

and I have been quite active here on cf the last few months fyi.
yea you actually said ET is dead sometime in the last 2 days in a comment and I see more of this shit from you as each day passes. I'm not defending ET and in fact I've contributed more than you seem to know. :)

24/7 24/7 24/7

hehe look I can type 24/7 (one more time 24/7!!)
Quoteyea you actually said ET is dead sometime in the last 2 days in a comment and I see more of this shit from you as each day passes.

I never said that this game is dead. I did say that this game is dying and it's a shame because it's a great game. I still support this game eventho I'm not really playing it myself.
you talked a bit too much as for 50kg team's average weight, but overall we sucked hard, ggs
gratz marko & team =)

niiiiiiiiice jackie brown <3
Viewer Peak: 157


tensed final, my hands are still shaking

No wonder he sucked

isnt your 5th EC and it isnt in a row

Winning Tournaments without the best teams + flaming your opponents for no apparent reason

Online achievements apart from BFB/prestigious tournaments mean little (anymore?) to the point of your flame/bragging.
wasnt fin6 a part of it?
They dropped out
after the LAN we only played one game with 3 mercs, lost to mPG

for the next game we weren't even able to gather 3 guys from our lineup so decided to just drop out

this EC would've been a lot better if it had ended before the LAN!
ah unlucky... still hoping to see u guys at enschede again :)
Quotethis EC would've been a lot better if it had ended before the LAN!

this, biggest problem with EC and always will be, takes too long, think we waited for final now about 3-4 weeks, alot motivation to play it!
wtf man, I thought I'm clanmember :S:S:S: :(;(
Like it means something winning a lan when all the good teams have moved on?

image: tumblr_lsyrucpoc71qg25cc
but he still didn't behave like other peepz, right?
anyone taking baggiez serious if thats what u mean gotta be retarded :D
nah, but he can't stop.. and he never does things like this at lan ^^
pretty sure he did the same on last lan he played, i dont know why it happens to be big deal for some ppl

i dont even know why baggiez is being flamed here so much!, since he did nothing but a comment them being stupid players, while polaks give out personal insults / calling girlfriend with bad words and what not
yea ur right... these polaks got mad very fast :pp but still baggiez didn't stop and called them nerds while he played 24/7 for 8 years and so on...

but hey ofc he was just jokin, AND STILL he wouldn't do shit on lan^^
Go and watch my games at SAGE
Think beating Dignitas at SAGE would be considered as an achievement (even though they werent at their best) although you are partially right, however have not been able to do it yourself.
Atleast better than using the excuse "drunk" on lan.
isnt beeing drunk what lan is all about?
Considering you are part of the best ET team in a day where 99% of the community would agree that the 'glory days' (read: competition) has long gone from the scene, it's a bit hypocritical to claim that any achievement now isn't worth bragging about.
I said that most online achievements were not worth bragging about - quite the difference. An achievement is an achievement and i still consider BFB and lans quite prestigious hence why i continue to play (them). I just dont see the need to create a journal about winning an EC which was by far the worst in history.
You don't see the need to create a journal about winning EC, yet you're fine with the 10 non-ET related journals on Crossfire every day?
well even when the "glory days" were over u didnt even reach the top6 :)))

hint: sage :***
I'm not the one bragging about anything
don't believe anyone can at one point knows everything about tweaking & the next moment quits doing it :) Default config, I want to believe - but it's tweaked!
mind pro gaming clan very good, gongratz from -- LIVE LONG FIGHT HARD

people still play EC? :DDDDD

wow, awesome

Viewer Peak: 157

people still play this game?
Why all the hate? two pretty decent teams in final tbh, didn't know anything about it though. Perhaps the coverage is to blame, not the skill level. Anyway it's sad that we didn't see a fully armed Fin6 and Anexis.
fin6 got raped by queens/winfakt everygame and mPG would do the same sadly :)
grats mind & razz!
Kuningas voittamaton
Admins and moderators going on each others and normal users throats... 'ET is death' echoes off the walls... Have to check this journal in the evening because potential for shit storm is huge.

Still have to admire some people for taking either this game or this community seriously.
what Do u can buy now cause u won a online tournament? NOTHING! so who care about.
Every year EC going lower and lower !:(
it isn't our fault that other teams suck and we beat them or they lose motivation.
Didn't say so. You can just roll the EC by only gathering group of highskillers and barely praccing.
yea true :) that's why I don't get it what's so awesome in winning this that they have to brag about it here and behave like retards in game :D
Boring match, EC sucks, where are reload, maus, toxic, butchji and co?
I think a lower viewerpeak surely isnt because of the players. EC coverage was much better 2 or 4 years ago and it gathered alot more viewers. Now like fanatic mentioned earlier, news of the ec final came 3h before the actual event.

When did this EC begin? 2 months ago? I didnt even know that the final wasnt played yet until I saw the post here in crossfire. What i'm TRYING to explain here with my mediocre english skills is that with a better coverage and better timeline (say 1 month? no? ok.) EC would be much more intense with matches played every week and that would keep viewers in front of the screen.

Agree with this, but also I think the players do play a part.

I looked at the teams and thinking that this was a final was pretty funny.
It was unfortunate that Fin6 and Queens dropped out, and imo Anexis having some sort of ego about competing.. it would have been better with either one of them in the final, but maybe it's just how it was this year.
My first +1 for ages!! thanks :D:D

Of course teams with "better" overall increase viewers but we must understand that times change and there are no Dignitas full eesti lineup or Megaprogaming with best selection of german aim and brain.

New teams rise tot the scene bringing new blood and different view to the game.
agree on the dropouts/boycott stuff. :) Queens just got assfucked because of all of the stabs before LAN and well fin6.. as twidi mentioned they definitely would've finished if it ended before LAN.

I think next season there need to be clear deadline dates for each matchweek like BFB2, it was a successful tournament and had teams praccing A LOT for it. after BFB ended and EC atoon would prac and then find out matches were delayed etcetc.. :d we just stopped praccing coz it took up time and I was telling people to be avi who had better things to do, then it turned out the opponent wanted to play the following week. EC needs to be way more strict on the schedule, the problem mainly is that CB staff seem to look at forfeits in a very negative way whereas ESL don't seem to give a shit about it. they just want smooth tournaments ending in good time for new tournaments to start.

e: and about Anexis boycotting.. honeslty I've no idea about that because there are multiple things people say. I doubt it's about prizemoney and stuff, I think generally more to do with what I mentioned above - they don't want to play a competition that will drag on for an extra month (which EC did). maybe Anexis will play the next season if there's a clear strict schedule. :)
+1 koop if anexis actullay stoppep the im to good for EC thing, and played it it would be a much better event. Maybe R0ss still mad about losing the last EC Anexis played ;o Queens to strong powpow
there was an EC?
yes tag failed once again, sick ye ?
Only knew that EC was going on because someone asked me to make that final 3stars on gtv, which it didn't really deserve, so that's also a "No", to your first question :D
remember the time when EC was worth more than a random one day cup
Impressive !
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