searching a "moviemaker"

Just wondering if someone wants to make a small (say 2 - 3 mins long) miniminimuuvie just for fun. Syncing with music is always nice :)

This so called "project" should not take much time.

PMME for moar info :)

na, not now
Need a moviemaker too. Have around 500 frags in total, most of them 5mans or higher in pub (not afk's). Thanks, bye.
catcher should do a minimovie about lost at lan!
im not going to pay for someone doing a 3 min sample its not like im a hollywood star. Frags arent highskilled or anything nor have i done them against ec teams.
so why should someone do something for you then? : )

kamz drops out already :/
should or would? Firstly for pure kindness and secondly maybe just for interest.
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