my morning hows urs?!

hello hello :) goood morning <3 i have meeeting sooon and im alrdy counting my last days in this company.. so im very happy and sad at one time. but everything new means new challenges. and i like challenges! baaaaAM!! =) spreaaaaad the happiness!

Questions of the day:

ur emotional song atm: =)

why did u choose ur nick? why did u change ur nick?
just love snow <3 change due to length of it

ur last book/movie: one billion dollar/ in july

song: <3

Shoutouts: Carla (aww :* <3), romeo <3, wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Andrew, Thomm , Michael, CONFO(!), mica, flooflooo, dialer(kikoo), Estaloth, Jooooaaaaaaaaa (nice hair), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, the #bd channel, m!das, tAliiiii, hentai!, fakyy, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, severus the peach, estaloth the real g, ALAN, and my buddies

over and out, have a nice day all <3

image: 10136070-the-berlin-wall2


Song -

Nick - Don't remember

Book - Bear Gryll's biography

Movie - Prometheus
buriaaaaaaaaaaal <33
my fav is this:

have a good one :)
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii schneeeeeeeeeeeeee :>
it's my last day at home and tomorrow im doing my CCNA exam so its a shit day :(


jesus cos people pray to me, and changed to matan cos people stopped praying

last film i watched; project x!!11
hi2u2 =)

ur explanation about nick/nickchange i had to laugh in the office :P

did u like project x? imo too much show at the end although i like the music and this party :O=)

gl for EXAM!!!!
yea its funny and the music is nice yea :D
the car in the pool and the fire everywhere shit was boring yea but the party
was awesome :D! i'd kill some speck to be in one
go to malle will be defn played there. wtf :o seriously??!
mainstream shit is shit :DDd i expected better stuff from u

anyway have a goood day.
Irgendwoher muss ich ja die Sommerlaune nehmen. :P Anyway ich gönn mir jetzt erstmal Kollegah, have a nice day und so.
hi schnee, good luck to you :) bye schnee
<3 :) hi bye
Song - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California
Nick - RL Name..

Book - Duden (:D)

Movie - the three burials of melquiades estrada
u read the duden? how crazy is this?! :P goood sooooooong
Well it was the last book I looked into so yeah
Used to play ET as Beep for pretty long time (2.55 jaymod at ETW), also as Legend[FIN] many many years back in gamesmajor servers at 2.55. Changed to zaNc, and i have no idea where it came from.

Last book: Iron Maiden Run to the Hills, last movie Tokyo Drift
beeepbeeeepbeeeeeeeep ;)
Nick: started with Ektomorf17, since Ektomorf was my favorite band at that time, and 17 is my favorite number

but since everybody used to call me Ekto in ts and stuff, i just shortened it

my last book: image: erbschaftsteuerrecht-9783423055475( english: inheritance tax law) since i just finished my exam at 11am
last movie: tbh i dont remember, but i just saw an episode of the unit season 4

song: emotional song is kinda hard, but i love to listen to this song atm:

next exam on friday :(
gl for ur exam!!!! =)
thx ;)

nur öffentliches recht, wird schon xD

und danach 4 wochen urlaub :D endlich aus kw raus!
oeffentliches recht is easy!!! :)

koenigswusterhausen? :o
ja und ja :D
haha ist doch ne schhoene ecke ;)

also die fh für finanzen is jetzt net mein traum zum wohnen :D

am we gehts ja immer heim nach glienicke/nordbahn, da isses top mitten im wald :DD

zumindest scatti fands top bei uns draußen :D
ach gugg an wo ihr euch rumtreibt =)
faehrst wenigstens mit auto? mit bahn biste ja min 2 stunden bis dahin unterwegs :o
ja klar mit auto, jedes mal mit tasche und den öffentlichen wäre mir zu anstrengend :D

und auch mim auto dauerts ja knapp ne stunde, länegre strecke übern osten und so, aber hauptsache keine avus :D
Good morning!

I woke up and my right hands pinky finger is all swollen up and it hurts like hell, that's all because yesterday I played some football and my finger got smashed between the ball and boot. (hurts like hell)

Otherwise it has been a nice morning, going to my countryside soon, just to relax a bit and do some heavy work. :P


Book: The Sicilian/ july atm reading ,Thomas Manns "Death in Venice"

Nick: just randomly picked and changed because I felt like changing it :D
thomas mann is quite hard or?

and poooor u ;)
Yes, quite different and much harder wordplay compared to Puzo's Sicilian, but it's time to raise the level :D

The finger wouldn't be much a problem if I didn't have use for working and basketball/volleyball playing :D
Song -> Sultan & Ned Shephard - Walls (Feat. Quilla), because Tiesto played it at Pacha Ibiza and it brings back so many memories :(

Nick -> Real name

Movie -> Project X
project x yeah! id like to join such a party as well :DDd
me too! at first your like Yeah I want a party like that .. at the end, no wayyy :p
the end is rly weird and too much imo. as he comes with the fire i was like wtf :P
woke up 7:30, felt bad so skipped going to swimming pool@9, went to sleep again, woke up@12
ur life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
Hallo! Hope your last few days will go well x)

Emotional song will always be this for many reasons, and the song that made me cry :<

why did u choose ur nick? why did u change ur nick? Had this nick for almost 21 years, friends gave it to me at school.

ur last book/movie: Last movie I think we watched was Sherlock holmes 2 and 360 (great movie! btw) and current book I'm reading is - halfway through atm and great author if you want to check him out!
nice liking ghibli studios btw :D
love all movies <3
Think watched around 6 so far, always loved spirited away and howl's moving castle but more recently the likes of laputa and princess mononoke :P Will download a few more then having a studio ghibli night with Carla :3
awwww sounds like a goood plan
Doing the lawn.

Doing the laundries.

Feeding my pets.
what pets u have? :)
2 Dogs. 1 parrot. 1 rabbit.
Books (in the middle of reading): The Bible, Anthony Kiedis's autobiography "Scar Tissue"
Movie: I haven't watched one for a while
Nickname: A friend of mine's older brother called me this way when I was young and that's how it goes

I'm just going to have a glass of iced coffee and enjoy playing the quitar. The weather isn't so good today, once it's sunny then cloudy, but I might go for a beer tonight, though.
u play guitar? are u good in it? and why u started to read the bible?
I'm getting better day-to-day but still lacking a lot of skills. I'm happy because I started to play songs by ear, though... and I've been playing for around half a year now, maybe a bit more. It's one of my expression forms. The problem is that I cannot afford my own guitar, neither acoustic or, the more electric. I borrowed one yet classical with nylon strings from my friend who's beginning started with the guitar. Notwithstanding, I don't care too much - it gives sound and is in decent shape. I'll have my dream guitar one day, I believe!

As about The Bible. I've been christian since I was born but for me believing into something I know only (rumors) basics of is not how it should be (when it comes to religion). I read a short piece of The Bible everyday and explore my belief and the book itself to understand what I really believe in.
ur emotional song atm: Not sure about emotional, just feels like it now :)

why did u choose ur nick? Close to my real name, changed it from Thom to Thomm at some point

ur last book/movie: Firewall by Andy McNab / 21 Jump Street
21 jump streeeeeet hell yeah =)
why did u choose ur nick? why did u change ur nick?
Well, Niki is my real name and I have no clue where i got this 0o behind it many many years ago

ur last book/movie:
Watched: From Hell(2001) 2days ago
im eating grass
i had a grass drink cause ive heard its healthy but it was rly everything else than tasty :/
why did u choose ur nick?
I didn't really choose it as such, it's my IRL nickname given to me by school friends :D

ur last book/movie:
The last book I read was my friend's book: (there is a German version of it, too!)

I don't have an emotional song I listen to in terms of being sad or reflecting on depressing things. But, any Vitalic album makes me smile. I guess happiness counts as emotion :D
boook is goood? u recommend it? :)
It's basically a book about his history in "Angel whispering" and also contains stories from his clients and friends.

Depends if you're into that spiritual kind of thing. I'm am still not 100% convinced about it all, but I feature in the book with an experience that I had through his advice. He's becoming very known within the UK as well.
got a job interview - hired
gratz!! where? :)
thx, at a notary office :)
im working
i like asian ppl
its raining, like always
in a nutshell
song of the day Love Etc (Gui Boratto Remix)
here its changing each hour. rain/sun drives me crazy =)
ur emotional song atm: (emotional as in insta feel good song)

why did u choose ur nick? character in a book (my favourite)

ur last book/movie: movie: Stander

song: &
songs are very hard for my lil ears ;)
hehe, ppor you ;-(
Where is my shout out?
Had a job (phone) interview with Groupon Germany- expected more. Doubt I'll accept the invitation to the real interview in case I get one.
Mein Himmel! You seriously applied for Groupon? Desperate much? :XD
Lol I though you wrote Mein Hummel. GG
arab alive, dafuq?
hab so nen wlan stick :D

Kein Internet mehr oder was da los? :DD
guck doch mal auf mein profil D: noob
Junge, geh Kamele treiben und nicht hier auf Cf rumlungern wenn du schon da bist :DD
gehen gleich zum strand, bin meistens nachmittags im strand und abends draußen, kann ja mal nachts ins ts kommen wenn ihr da alle nicht schon schläft :D
I wrote an application for another company and stumbled across the Groupon offer. Just exchanged names and sent it out :-D

The offer actually looked pretty nice, however the position I'd be having in the company is completely different and boring :-<
what kind of job? and was it in english or german??! :)

Was completely German. When I asked if it's possible to gain some international experience, she simply replied that it's not really possible in this program and I'd have to apply seperately for it. The pay is relatively low compared to other companies.
Basically the position I'd be filling is called "CityPlanner" and is just covered by the fancy Trainee descirption. It might be an interesting position still, but not the kind of Trainee Program I was looking for.
Song (not emotional though :P) -

Nick - Translated out of Dutch which was 'Schietschijf' in the days I started playing games (mostly CS 1.6)

Movie - I Am Number Four. Entertaining movie, but nothing that special.

Started to watch Supernatural, which is actually scary when you watch it when the sun has set and it's properly dark :P
i dont have enough time to watch any series. just up2date with OP ofc :)
good day. Boring day working.

I would like to point out for the 100th time that my nick is NOT from harry fucking potter. Saw the word in my latin language dictionary when i was in the 7th grade. Severus means serious or strict. Check it out by yourself if u dont believe me
u r fucking serious right now :)
and i believe u!
I am serious and thank u :) <3
My first nick came from an RTS?, think its obvious why I wanted to get a new nick instead of Repahadnagy (Lieutenant Carrot) :D .. it was difficult to find nickname, I liked "Drake" but that time a known preu already used it, DeerFrog, Samu were my first nicknames...

Then I found "Karrde" in a Star Wars book, hes an awsome character. I used this nick for 2 years when I met MAZZ/Karrde who became a good friend of me and never ever complained :) his friends called me like the long "rrrrr" Karrrrrrrrrrde :D <3 S-Crew :)

I wanted to come up with a unique name, but never really found the way to express everything I want to say in 1 nick. I have the same prob. with tattoo, I cant fucking express everything I want in a picture and I don't want random text on my leg, anywhere...
killer song for you

otherwise beach, party, drink, friends, new gf, trying to date you, eating pizza. random fun ya know
kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllller <3

hehehehehe hidden ;)
emotional song: everything from Boyce Avenue <3

Name => Real name = Falke <-> eklaF - changed some letters ecklav

last book: On the Genealogy of Morals (Nietzsche)
last movie: new: Project X, old: Donnie Darko

song atm:
listening to boyce at this very moment :o)
saw them live previous month - awesome :D
donnie darko yeah!!!
nietzsche wow too much for my head mostly or well im to impatient to get it mostly cause i cannot concentrate =)
I'm studying philosophy as a minor, so I like things where I need to wear out my brains to "get it".
I recommend you read some of Lewis' books. They're pretty interesing, giving you some stimuli to think.
i recommend u Sophie's World :)

loved it although it took me a bit to get it completly. read it 3 times till now
I am not so good after you ignore me so much. Just admit your feelings, please!
ahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh <3
Hi2u schnee :) Oh my, it's after 3 PM :D

Hard to choose song, but I guess I'll go with:

Why did I choose my nick?
Because Yoda is fcking awesome, and smart and he jumps like a boss! :)

My last book: The Summoner written by Gail Z. Martin - simply because I love fantasy

My last movie: The Avengers - was epic!
but ur nick isnt yoda :'(
well yeah, it's just that I found on some site that word Yoda probably comes from sanskrit of word Yoddha which means warrior :)
i dont know
share your secret how you're so happy :f
did i mention i am? :P
arent you then?
mostly i am :)
happiness in this journal was overwhelming
so is me. why shalll i flame and hate like the most in here :) this is not my natural behaviour :)
it's only good don't get me wrong, it just makes me wonder what pills you take being that happy isn't normal! 8<
dont tell anyone.... im just a happyhippogirl all my life, living on the sunside of this world =)

hehe good for you, i was reckoning you were something like that :)
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