new r_mode = sensi how to calculate?

hello there,

i would like to know if somone know how to calculate the sensi when i change my ingame resolution.

eg : i'm playing on r_mode 8 with 3 sens, how to calculate my sens for 1680x1050??

thanks for answer and have a nice day.
what resolution is r_mode 8?
in that case (not that it really makes much sense to change sens with resolution)

((1680*1050)*3)/(1280*1024) = 4,037
((1280*1024)*3)/(1680*1050) = 2,23

i guess.. but again, doesnt really make much sense :p
it does, since i don't get the same feeling while changing resolution.

thanks for the answer anyway :]
How can u calculate that? I'm using r_mode 8 with 1600x900 & Sens 2.8, DPI 400 1000mhz & the mousefix :o
same; since 2 values are constant :P
No I'm not smart as u! U DO IT!
You put your numbers into this:
image: mathmachine_lg
I can't its a picture :(
i dont see how this matters, it feels like the same old argument with fov changing - it may feel different, but you still turn as much
fov 110 powns polaks!
yeah.. although it makes more sense with fovs than resolutions imo (not logically but the feel)
true, things will appear to move faster/slower, but adjusting your sens to that just fucks with your aim
resolution may change fov, and fov changes feel of sens, cm/360 stays same with all fovs... but from point a to b in screen changes the amout of cm in mouse pad so by fov it feels different sens.

old sens * old fov / new fov = new sens

how resolution and fov affect u can calculate;
I play with 1600x900
r_mode -1
1600 DPI
0.40 sensitivity
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