yet another computer problem

Hi crossies,
So I got new laptop and now I can finally play ET with more then 25 fps :D. Unfortunatly I ran into few issues and I need your help :<.
First issue is random fps lags every cca 5 seconds. It's probably multicore CPU problem so I downloaded Affinity 1.4 but it still lags even if I choose 4 core or 8 core (hyper-threading). But if I run ET with TZAC the lags are gone o_O. I'd like to play on regular pubs as well since my friends play ET occasionally and ETpro is too hard for them.
Second issue is that my gamma is changing randomly during the game. When I first installed ET it was uberdark and I found somewhere on forum how to fix it (seta r_overbrightbits 0.99, seta r_ignorehwgamma 0). Now I can set gamma but it changes constantly while playing. It doesn't change often and isn't a big problem but it's quite annoying especially when someone is shooting at me and I can't see him because of gamma being jerk.
And one last question - 1366x768 or 1024x768?

Thank you for any helpful suggestions

image: Pokemon-cosplay-girls_01

My specs:
Lenovo Y570
Intel Core i7-2670QM Processor( 2.2GHz 1333MHz 6MB)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M 1GB
8.0GB PC3-10600 DDR3 SDRAM 1333 MHz
500GB 7200 rpm
Windows 7 Home Premium 64
Problémy s gammou obcas zpusobuje skype,ci jiná podobná app.,ktera vyhazuje statusy ostatních lidí (tím myslim,ze treba clovek BLABLA je online).

Jinak doporucuju nastavit r_ignorehwgamma 1
a kdyz to mas moc tmavy,dej proste
r_mapoverbrightbits 3
r_overbrightbits 3

A rozliseni podle monitoru :))
doufam,ze jsem si te s nikym nespletl a fakt ses cech :D

Sorry for using this language,but its way more easier to explain it in thiat language..
Vidis skype me nenapadl... to bude nejspise ten problem. Zkusim to, diky.
Jinak jsem cech jen z pulky (:
Skype vseobecne pri hrani ET vypinat.

Totalne ti to rozhodi barvy takrka jen do RGBcka :)
problem neni jen u skype, ale i ts3, xfire
vypinat vsechno az na ts pokud s nikym nemluvis, aspon ja to tak delal a zadne problemy sem nemel :)
teda pri pouzivani ts se mi snizil zvuk u hrani automaticky na 5% :D ale to sem asi jedinej kdo to tak ma.
Run ET with one core.
Let me guess, you found that pic and you had massive urge to use it so you went to crossfire to search if there was a convenient comment where you could reply with that picture?:P
owned hard :P
delete pb folder :)
oh wow, it worked... thx :D
pb is still a pain in the ass in 2012
here is a gammatoggle:

bind f5 "vstr gammatoggle"
set gam1 "set r_gamma 1;set gammatoggle vstr gam2;echo ^0>^2Dark"
set gam2 "set r_gamma 2;set gammatoggle vstr gam3;echo ^0>^2Normal"
set gam3 "set r_gamma 3.0;set gammatoggle vstr gam1;echo ^0>^2Bright"
set gammatoggle "vstr gam1"
disable HT and try again.
i know the solutions to all those problems but wont help

e: boycoting the help on everyone to this kind of problems, all of you enjoy ur lags/hicc ups/fps breaks/pc freezes
Well, I've already fixed those issues but thx for your helpful comment <3
took you 2 days

well done
Enjoying summer vacation... you don't? :D
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