Shootmania blaaa


I would like to try this game & roll France simoon

Anyone got invite/key for me please

Or wanna let me use your account if you are not willing to play


"Simoon y joue a shootmania
Lui c un noob sur ET et il joue a tout les nouveau jeu ;) "
I saw simoon on shootmania
they tweeted that everyone who signed up for the beta will be getting a key within the next days.
so just be patient. dont rly like it much :\
simoon is shit actually
Simoon top3fr @ bf3, shootmania, brink, et
Even better @Brink !
I got one nigga. /q

You have signed up for ShootMania Storm Beta at If it is not the case, please ignore this email.

After a successful Alpha test, we are glad to launch a first Beta test for ShootMania Storm. You have been selected for this first group of beta test.

Please read carefully the following to install and run ShootMania Storm:

recu aujourd'hui

cu on the battlefield
Toi aussi tu joue a bf? :P
dota2 vs shootmania
best game
I seriously hope they gonna fix fps lag

I have more fps in bf3 than in shootmania ...
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