Niki0o 2k celebration journal.

Hello everyone.

I am very happy to say that I finally reached 2k elo in League of Legends.

image: WhmDW

Next stop: 2.2k cu there

Im playing with this rule i made for myself. Lose game in soloq = Dont que anymore that day. That way I have been able to cut those horrible 5+ game losing sprees :)))

Have a good day!

image: soYyH

Todays song
Moi :))

Lindsey Stirling <3
Someone's gonna be jelly
She's awesome idd
Where is she from? TV / Movie?

Nvm, I have no eyes. Was talking about the redhead.
Gratz :-)
nörtti xDD
mee töihi ei helevetti äijä
oon saikul xDD
Kunno vössykkä..
meikä sentää käy töissä xD
Työt o naisille ja homoille
sorry but no fucks given
Gratz, I have better W/L ratio than you but 600 elo less :D
I lost most of the starting games beginning of s2.

I have also dropped 200+ rating more than 3 times this season in 2-4 days and climbed back up.
Also lost 100+ rating mullllllltttiple times in short period of time and climbed back up.

After i started to play way less i've been gaining elo much faster
I know that feel bro, lost 12 from first 15 ranked games :D, climbing from ~850 elo, GJ and GL
I started playing on my friends account @ ~850elo. Currently its at 1700.

~850-1400 in like 3days or smth :)
LoL elo system is ridiculosly bad, considering that you can have so high elo with so low win ratio, 52,5%. but congratulations anyways
That's how it's supposed to be and the only proper way to do it. Win ratio itself should never have an effect on the rating since it's supposed to reflect your current expected performance, not your "career success".
shouldnt be like that imo, coz that means complete noobs can have much higher elo than people that are much better than them, win ratio is what shows skill
No, it doesn't mean that at all. Win rate depends on the level of your opponents, elo doesn't since it rewards more and punishes less the higher your opponents are rated. This is exactly how it works in the environment the system was designed for, chess - you must agree someone who scores 40% in the World Championship should be rated higher than someone with a 60% rate in high school club games.
well on LoL it's like this, if you win more games at the start (first 15-20 games) the more u win, the less win ratio u need to have high elo, for example if u lose like 20 games at first, but get ur win ratio to 60%, u will still have like 1500 elo or some shit, which is not normal is it. and the system finds opponents for you anyways, so you always have opponents that fit to your elo and you wont face any "better"opponents to get more elo or anything
Didn't get really your message but I explain you the ELO system quickly.

LoL -matchimaking will match you with another players who have approximately same ELO that you have. Still there is minor differences (Someone might have for example 1350 rating whereas other guys have 1390, you can't find 10 players with exact same ELO). After that the engine will calculate avergae ELO of both teams and after the game rewards will be consistent of the text below.

In a nutshell:
Lower rated team gets more points from victory over a higher rated team.
Higher rated team gets less points from victory over a lower rated team.

Lower rated teams punishment (ELO loss) in a defeat against higher rated team will be lesser (somewhere under 30) whereas higher rated teams punishment in a defeat against lower rated team will be greated (somewhere over 30)
i know how it works sir, what i mean is that the first 15-20 ranked games u play on ur acc will decide how high win ratio u need to have certain elo
Win ratio doesn't mean shit. It doesn't determine how good you are. You can have 50 win ratio 2500 ELO or 60 win ratio with 2300 ELO.
how so? the higher it is the more games u win, which means u have to be better than those who win less than you, are u saying there is no difference between guy with 52% win ratio on 2k elo compared to guy who has 60% win ratio on 2k elo for example?
ELO doesn't determine your absolute skill. This 52% guy can be far better than that 60% guy.
it does not indeed, but it's as i said on most cases
It doesn't even most cases, only if there is high ELO gap

I don't get why you would need high win ratio to get high ELO, that's just plain stupid.
u need high win ratio to get high elo on cases when u have lost alot in the first 20 games, for example i had 58% win ratio and had 1760 elo on one of my acc, coz i lost alot of games in the start, and trust me, then it's actually hard to reach high 2k, if i had account that would be on 2k with 52% win ratio i could get it few hundred higher without any problems, seriously lol.
I don't see why it would be any harder to reach high ELO when you have lost much in the beginning.

There's no logical reason, just placebo.
Are you even trying to understand this? Elo represents your current strength. The one with the higher win rate, and thus higher performance, at the same level will increase his rating more than the one with the lower rate. If two people at the same rating have different win ratios, they're still expected to be equally strong.

Imagine someone who lost 1000 games in a row two years ago because he's a slow learner, then finally learns how to play and wins a 1000 in a row, the last of them against top players. His current strength is not at all represented by saying "oh yeah his win rate is 50%, sucks ass", but the elo system will represent his current expected performance (which is #1 in the world).

Repeat after me: elo represents your current expected performance, not your career success.
2011 was last year, try again :)
Nice :) gratz
Gj, i hope you are worth it.
congratz for whatever this means
next stop should be getting laid you fat, zit-faced geek.
1354 max here

around 20 games :xd

only playing with noobs worst than in normal game gg
That's why I prefer 5v5 arranged.

Also normal games usually have higher skill level than ranked (in 1300 or so)
[citation needed]

Your experience might have something to do with you being 300 points higher in normal than ranked.
That's right
most of the time im playing with the worst noob of the game :xD

only 1/2 times i played with good players who could carry and play their line
That's 1300 ELO. On normal games your hidden elo is probably pretty high so that's why you get matched by better players in normal than in ranked.
well i find normal game pretty easy most of the time but ppl have more brain than in ranked :o
ofc because people playing normal with you have higher ELO.
1337 here and i dont want to play anymore tbh :S
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