Shootmania beta impression

What a horrible failing abomination of a game!

- Ugly ass underperforming engine (devastatingly bad fps at lowest settings while i can run bf3, witcher 2, skyrim all on high).
- Repetitive environments which all look like a turd filmed with a monochrome camera when Jezus was alive
- Boring 'arsenal' of weapons resulting in VERY lineair gameplay
- Supposed to rival quake, yet it feels like an even more failed version of Tribes (really Tribes is marvellous compared to Shootmania, and I deïnstalled that game within 30 minutes, says enough...)
- It's even more boring and ugly to watch over stream

Please progamers don't make the mistake of playing this game for the sake of spectators like me, I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks about it this way :<

Agree with the fps thing, just seems really laggy
shotmania has its own forum where they ASK and WANT your support, if you have time, show THEM that u are thankful because they gave u the blooody keeeeeeeeeeeey mait....
thankful? I test this pile of crap for free, they get enough feedback...
By the way welcome to crossfire - a gaming community, where you talk about games
exactly my point, welcome to xfire, no one gives a fuck
Look, No one cares if you dont like the game, i love it, i know ppl who love it, i know pros who love it...

a.k.a no one gives a fuck about UR opinion, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? :D you know..

just learning you about realty/crossfire , dont be offended

if you lack comprehension skills that is not a valid reason to try to insult me
i was just trying to be a friend, friend.
I'm sorry I was a dick and hurt your feelings, please completely ignore me from now on whenever you see me
you are not mad at me , you are mad on how things/ppl work in this world. but you pull all of your anger out @ me, cuz im the closest to you, and you are lazy....

so.. id recomend a weekly exercise atleast onece per week, and some daily walks with some nice relaxing music , if that doesnt help, i would recomend meditation, wouldnt recomend pills, because they are bad for ur system

have a nice day
you must have lots of friends irl =)
2much, guess why my phone is always off :D
guess what, i diagnosed u thru the INTERNET (dont u dare say i was wrong)... how cool am i?

im awesome bro :D
Here's my 1 word verdict.

Movement? fucking shit
Game modes? fucking shit
General gameplay? fucking shit
Weapons? fucking shit
Nothing wrong with the movement, tbh. Game modes are crap except maybe 2 of them, haven't played heroes mode yet.
Pressing forward only and it moves from side to side, stable speed (unless you get shot by friendlies, which boosts you for about 2 seconds), jumping makes you float around like fuck. Shit goes on and on, and the movement brings no skill aspect to the game like it does in quake and ET.
Stable speed? What you talking about? You can boost, and if you work out the movement properly, you will be able to get around maps really fast.
my work is done in this journal, enough hate already
- great fun
lol plz, load elite :)
not until we're 3 #vjers ready to roll :pp
i like the game and im gonna buy it

for people complaing about fps just switch settings to very fast with max filtering bilinear
was just supposed to make the same journal now but i rather give my input in here now.

Can basically agree on every point you named. This game will never ever replace a quality game like quake.

- 2 Weapons (are there more? just met the standard weapon and the railgun) of which the standardweapon is the most lotto shitweapon ever. Its like playing quake with plasmagun only while only having 5 shots at once before reloading. The models are way too tiny to be able to talk about aiming and skills since its just really lotto if u hit.

- the movement is utter crap, i absolutly dislike the staminathingy, you got no speed at all, it more feels like someone is trying to hold you back from moving forward when youre used to quake engine based games

- my pc is certainly not the best but ive been able to get every recent game (apart from BRINK) playable, TMN i could even play on good quality without any fps drops.
On Shootmania i have to return to windowmode on lowres with all details set to lowest values and still i m having crappy fps as soon as i play on a serv with more than 10 players.

- The towercapturing gamemode is okay, not too bad at all but rather hard on a public server since everyone is basically only doing random shit.

cant see any future for this game since i doubt theyre gonna do real big major changes now.

All put into one sentence: go for quake and rather buy 2 years of prem acc than paying for that bullshit
+1 exactly what I thought but not written like an angry a-literate retard
3 weapons actually, you have that weird rocket thing too (slow rockets or w/e)
hi im beta, i not finished yet i crap always most of the times ys
took me half an hour to get into a game, fancy menue is too confusing for learning impaired mongols like me.
when i finally got in i thought that it was a pile of crap. havnt taken the time for actually getting to know it a bit better but i dont think i cba.
just go on elite plz
from v1ech
Quote- the movement is utter crap, i absolutly dislike the staminathingy, you got no speed at all, it more feels like someone is trying to hold you back from moving forward when youre used to quake engine based games

You just have no idea how to use it. I can't say I'm good me too but France simoon is pretty impressive with movements on shootmania. Fast as fuck, bouncing everywhere and stuff :D

Quote- The towercapturing gamemode is okay, not too bad at all but rather hard on a public server since everyone is basically only doing random shit.

Ye it's like playing on bio server ... Play some gather
Feel like im being jerked around the movement is just terrible. ehh fps are a huge drop compared to all the other games i can play max performance. would be decent if the movement was better and fps increase >< :D
The movement part is not gonna change, it's a part of shootmania. I see a lot of people complaining and saying "it's just like quake with shit movement". No it's not shit movement, it's just shootmania and not quake.

nothing against you :)
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