look at these

fucking asshole sandniggers ruining polish prides finest?!

http://www.gamestv.org/event/34037-poland-vs-united-kingdom/#comment976850 <------------

look this kamz character (the fuck is he????//) talking shit to my fellow polish guys, fuck you UK cunts you deserve to rott in hell... what has ET become? cant play a 3v3 without a shitstorm? you fucking assholes i rape you all homos

kamz i thought you are a good guy and now this... fucking brownies talking shit, ill come to cdc10 and well see whos tough you fat motherfuckers.

funny thing is that this kamz shaked my hand and said how good im in ET :D:D:D that 4 man strike that saved ALMIGHTYs game :D:D haha nerd.

fuck you all.

was a good night and all, tommorow Estonia P2rnu, cu there nerds?

image: y_d2d08028

Griim Thursday, 12th July 2012 22:48
what has ET come to :(
funny thing is that this kamz shaked my hand and said how good im in ET

hahah kamz even trolling on lan

gotta love that dude


duNzy speaks the truth
agree duNzy mate, agree
Kamz can be a cunt, but he trolls like a beast.

oh man just watched american pie reunion, good image: IMG00021-20120316-2108
fuuuck yeah budddddy!

i'de say about a gram. maaaaaybe 1.5g
i always agree with you
What a life, trolling people on gamestv.
So old and childish this "trolling".
Knew you had down syndrome
who are you ;s
Hi, You can see my name over yours i hope :)
Anyways im Weslann, Playing with #teamkeen.et comming from Sweden, bit retarded/brain damaged and i dont like pakis/Black people(Except prod) Looking forward to cu on Adroits LAN, i fight, im about 60-70kg, so you better watch out, cause faces will get smashed, bitches will get fucked, tools and machines will be used.(BDSM)
-Your Weslann.
Wes your just too cool BEB.. C you lan! BDSM OHH YEHHH <333
I am the only face smasher at LAN. Get within 5 meters of fellow chocomel team mate koop and you'll get wrecked.
we all know this retard isn't showing up
Me and mouss searching team, so eh yea i will show up
go near teamkeen member and youll get wrecked <33
Looking forward to get wrecked
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