seriously, what the f*ck?

Until yesterday evening the internet for me was = everything you can look up on google. Then i found this image

image: Zay5g

Eventhough i'm not a friend about conspiracy theories, i've been doing research about deep web, tor,... all morning and it seems that some of this stuff you can see on the image is actually true (except for location of atlantis, lol). After all research im kind of frightened, you can also find some really scary stuff.

I would really like to do some more research on this topic but afterall i'm not sure if further non-anonymised digging could trigger monitoring (do some research on your own before you call me paranoid :))

What do you think of this? Did you know there were multiple layers of the internet? Any experience, interesting information?

My mind is quite blown right now
Looks all a bit chaotic to me, but ye. Like the government/military have excess to 80% of the internet you can not reach where they store all their data and documents.
Some buddy was explaining that TOR-stuff to me few weeks ago and the stuff he has found from there. Can't really remember everything, I might have been little bit drunk. Sounded cool though, especially if you want to get weaponsm, drugs etc.

EDIT: And oh, you better have one of these,
better safe than sorry! Does that make me a conspiracy theorist?
you found out about tor in 2012 ... welcome to the internet!
its just content thats not indexed by most search engines
Exactly. Like anything network related is open to everyone.
Ya seemed the consensus the last time this garb came up.

Just invite only sites with people using ways to anonomyse themselves. Jeez even the massive footy forum I use is membership only so not crawled.
so ur trying to tell us ? that inet is being divided in 5 parts ? or you can search the internet in 5 parts ?
It says that there is 20% of the internet, which has been divided in 5 parts, that show requirements for you to reach it. Some are basically impossible like the last 1 or 2 parts. Then there's the other 80% that you will never get to, because it holds information that can affect your life. How government/military run their countries or even the world. It's best we should not read it. About 2 years ago somebody leaked some of this information on a government, kind of shocking if you tell me :P
so , when u joined the deep web, u are actually on a mined field

FBI locating ur ip adress if ur not using proxy, police too , and hackers all over the pages trying to catch ya.... needless to say about the rest of the ppl trying to know where u live..

and there comes the classified files in lvl 4....

to be honest i think this is where hackers lurk , their playground trying to know each other off

rumours say someone managed to get to lvl 7,.... what could be there ? UFO contacts and grade III meetings, alien cooperation ?

as you said this is better not to be read, cos u probably wont be able to leave ur life anymore :S
Who knows what data is stored there. President of the U.S. has access to these files. Also the government of your country have top files stored on the web. Of course everyone is curious about the information and top secret files it contains, but it's better not to read it.

watch this...

btw, wanna play war irc ?:D(enough with the creepy stuff)
It's not scary. Did you think the world had no secrets for you, you'd be wrong :P
but lot different from what u're used to :D

anyways,zodiac was right :D

so ill stop this here :D

3v3 irc ?
thx, those are exactly the reactions i was looking for
its much easyer if people write here what they know than going on google and look up all that shit myself
oh :D

i kinda got lost in all this shit

from what i saw, the deep section is just some strange shit where u can hire assasins, hackers, buy stuff (from guns to drugs) and some other stuff

its basically , the place where FBI is tracking the hackers, drug/gun dealers, pimps ...

thats what i think it is like 70%
I'm assuming you're talking about black hat there with the lurking and talking, it's not hard to find or talk to 'hackers' and there are a few decent sites you can publicly view/access. Whether or not you want to hide your identity from there or just have a chat it's up to you :))
its like Gotham city there :DDDDD

image: if-you-know-what-i-mean
ik ga nu ook zoeken ook, ik wil atlantis vinden :p
ik heb het gevonden hoor neef, ik ga volgende week met een vliegtuig naar de locatie.
lol tor is just a way to hide your IP, not anything scary at all

edit: and you dont really need to use proxy, get tor etc to see stuff "in the lower levels" -- its just recommended because hello FBI
did u even search videos about that ?

its not very "scary" but wierd and strange, everything shows there ( watched youtube journey )
about tor? tor is just a way to hide your IP amongst other things, there is nothing deep web about tor at all...
you kids get too excited :p
u could be right, but wasnt reffering about tor
if at deep web u see assasination offers :D
cant imagine what could be at lvl 5 or 8
i saw screenshots showing people talk about rape of 11yo boys and girls like it was some everydaystuff. Other screens show that buying weapons is a s easy as buying a Wii on ebay. There are videos where people cruelly kill other people. Human experiments, organized crime.

About tor. Some countries take this really serious, eg China who succesfully prevents its citizens from using the program

I did know that there was some wierd stuff on the internet. But i didnt know that there were such sick bastards out there
How else do these 'sick bastards' communicate and what not on the webz?
To some extent you are right about Tor being blocked by the great firewall of China, but you can still bridge tor and let it work fine...
well i was kinda surprised how well they are organized. I found that as shocking as the content itself
It's not that the 'deep web' shit is interesting/curious, but I wouldn't recommend you search for anything other than 'what it is' and so on. It's not like you'd be regularly browsing the 'net like you do normally, you need to specifically search for all this sick shit, a lot of dead ends/links and invite only sites and chances are you'd regret it all this x)
exactly my thoughts. Just wanna know what this the deep webis all about. Dont wanna go in there, the screens ive seen were more than sufficient. And btw im too afraid of consequences by legal authorities and/or hackers
chances are he'll regret it in jail
Yes it hides your ip, but it also prevents any information of your browsing session being stored. But most people use TOR to browse the onion network, a part of the internet which you otherwise dont have access to.
Of course there are different layers of the internet. You don't find Childporn / Weapontrade and other sick stuff for a reason by using Google. Kinda makes me smile that some people are so narrow minded.
read what blizzi and trimbolina wrote above. Nothing to do with narrow mind
I did know about the Deep / Dark Web and whats in there, so no need to read through all this and I do find it narrow minded to think that the internet is everything that google shows :D, knowing that the internet itself was intended for military use and all that, but I'm glad you figured it isn't just "Google". ;)
now i can see internet with other eyez

now i can imagine beyond google :D

its "shocking"
#Vj only reasonable people on CF 2012
True dat bro, true dat
Quantum Computation Exists? :DDDDD
I have to admit "closed shell system" had me for a while. Is that a GiTS reference? Then it just went overboard with Atlantis and NWO stuff.
I once read about stuff found in marianas web a.k.a the lowest internet level possible. Child trading and cut off penises collections were pretty the most normal of them.
wtf???What else? Any source/link of the text you read?
Just search about marianas web somewhere. I think I just searched it somewhere when I first heard of this.

Deep web is mostly not as strange and scary as people say, but indeed there are for sure sites with extreme content that are very deep in the web. Personally seen some screenshots and videos of this sites (via google, youtube and 4chan) and it seems I would never like to travel here :o

e: this is one of the things I was reading:

Note that most of the screenshots are not even from the deep web itself!
looking at those screenshots this deep web is one hell of a troll paradise (lolita slave toy haha)
prolly it's fake, but I'm 100% sure many of this shit is real
1.clickd that site few lines (lines in screenshots too)then i started browsing more screenshots
3.closed the page
4.deleted my browsing history
4.profit ???

im still frightened of what i saw

image: 165-everything-went-better-than-expected
yes that page is so illegal fbi is looking for you already
there is even more:

Quotethe deep web is nothing. the real scary shit is on the darkweb, a parallel internet built by organized pedophiles and snuff fans. just to get access you have to pay something like 20 grand and provide them with video of you having sex with a child or killing someone with your face clearly shown, and if they get suspicious during the meeting where the exchange is made, they just straight up murder you. it's all accessed by encrypted VPNs or something. I'm not 100% sure if I'm remembering the details right I was told this by a friend of mine who worked for interpol a few years ago.


QuoteThe darkweb runs on the same TOR network you're used to, with end-to-end encryption. And you're mostly right about the cost to entry. The fee is usually lower than $20k, but the "having sex with a child" or "murdering someone", face visible video is true.

This isn't to prove you're hardcore enough to join the bad boys club, this is for leverage. And they won't kill you if they don't like you or whatever. Bear in mind this is entirely over the internet. Everyone in the darknet are criminal, mostly pedophiles, drugrunners, or other such people. The "original video upload" as they call it, is primarily so that they can blackmail you into not turning rat on them. "If you rat any of us out to the police, we'll publicly release this video you've sent us. You can leave anytime, but bear in mind that we have this video and we know where you live."

No, I never got access to the darknet, myself. I want to be hardcore but my mom won't let me. I came across a few doors to entry before, though.

this is so fucked up
This is actually fake. Darkweb never existed. Term 'darkweb' describes just unreachable connections in the internet, but that's nothing like the text you gave.
Its funny that most of the contact data are based on russian websites, the author got a point when he says that the most sick stuff is done by Russians / East European. Google Dnpropretowsk Maniacs and eventually watch 3guys1hammer - just sick. (I wouldn't watch it though) :|
i have read the wiki entry and seen that video a while ago, couldnt go through the whole clip though (i think it has been posted on cf). Thats some sick stuff and i imagine that you can find in the deep web some more of it. I really dont need to see any more of this.
what are they doing ?

only 2 words please
torturing/mutilating, (actually) killing
FUCKIN SHIT , u made me click the site


now,im taking this a test of growing up (getting rid of this memories and not letting me get affected ) which i will pass it for sure.

now im going to stop browsing crossfire for like tomorrow when this journal has passed away

blizz signed out
what is snuff
doing stuff with dying people
Commercial filming of real murder for entertainment, they're called "snuff movies".
I highly doubt that the latest 'levels' are real.
I can bet 80% of this picture is bullshit
Yes, the secret of Atlantis is somewhere on image: dr_evil.

ITT: discovering interwebs
reading about it now, very interesting
And I though Atlantis is under Antarctica.
lol who cares lol
I think most of it bullshit, but reading about some of the sick shit there,
even if they are made up, I wanted break skulls of those ppl who has such imagination.

and if they are real, I lost hope on humanity. for fucks sakes...
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