battle net account help

hey guys I need help. I "formated" my phone, so I don't have the same authentificator for my account anymore.
I tried to add the new authentificator but I need code the previous to connect and I don't have it anymore ... So I tried the thing on the website to delete the authentificator, it asks my real name, I fill the case with my real name but it says my email and my real name don't match.

So no way to delete the old authentificator, I try to see the real name I put via their the faq thing, it asks my phone number and my email, I fill the cases, and It says phone number and email don't match. WTF, so I can't connect to my account to remove my old authentificator because I need my old authtentificator to connect, nor send a mail to support because I also need to connect. This sucks HARD.

what to do ?

image: Sexy_girl
i'm pretty sure these aren't the blizzard forums
they don't read forums lol
what i was trying to say is that people on the blizzard forums would have more experience and knowledge with this, than people here.
I need to log in with my battle net account, and it's is impossibro.
United Kingdom jam (lovely jam) is gonna make a ticket for me :)
i'm pretty sure these aren't the blizzard forums too
Why didnt you just download the authenticator again, it should've been the same one as your "old" one.
No it's not.
That's really shit from blizzard then =/
Just make a support ticket (They used to be really helpfull, atleast back in the days when I still played WoW) And explain it to them what happened, they should be able to compare your current IP with the one used on your accounts.
I need to log in to make a ticket -.-'
stupid blizzard system :(
Pmme the account name (details regarding the problem), I could make one for you.
read what I said here :

United Kingdom jam is gonna make 1, but thanks anyway :)
Go back in time
And this is why you never format.
Install the authenticator back to ur phone, try to resync it...
Change your real name
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