power supply & gfx card question
13 Jul 2012, 13:01
my power supply (thermaltake 550w) have 1 pci slot
my gfx card (ati 6870) have 2 pci slot
i have pluged both with a cable like that:
its working but i was wondering if the gfx card is under performance or its rly shit because on some games i dont have that much fps
should i need a new power supply with 2 pci slots (or maybe more watts)
because i think that cable with 2 output isnt the best to give all the power needed.
my power supply (thermaltake 550w) have 1 pci slot
my gfx card (ati 6870) have 2 pci slot
i have pluged both with a cable like that:
its working but i was wondering if the gfx card is under performance or its rly shit because on some games i dont have that much fps
should i need a new power supply with 2 pci slots (or maybe more watts)
because i think that cable with 2 output isnt the best to give all the power needed.
the power suply is just acting like a "power outlet"
dont know much about hardware(penis) anyway am more into software(soft pussy)
If ur GPU rocks & ur CPU rocks like mine! you can play every game in max settings.
Ur FPS drop can't be ur card.
Must be ur ram or ur CPU.
4core 3.2 ghz
XFX HD Radeon 6790
i dont want to spent that much to solve this problem
edit: je penses que LoL et BF3 utilise plus intensivement le cpu se qui explique les bas fps, faudrait O/C ton cpu à genre 3.5Ghz, c'est possible c'est un très bon proc pour O/C. Ou alors t'upgrade le tout cpu+ram+cm si ta de l'argent à dépenser :D
apres si tu connais tu me dira si jpeux bien oc ( genre 3,5ghz)
jai pas remarquer grand chose au passage de 2,4ghz à 2,8
en low ou high, basse ou haute resolution
là j'ai de 80 à 160fps
i will buy maybe new motherboard & more ram if i have money to waste, otherwise its fine but sometimes annoying low fps on LoL & bf :p
I already tested it it came op at 529WATT.
550WATT is enough.
even had low fps on ET then
bought some used gtx260 then for 50€ or so and now even newer games work quite well xd
got q6600 too, and only 2gb ram :p
but afair there are many different versions of that card, and i had the worst