Friday the 13th (c)Goku

Are you a believer? Are you scared to go out? Are you scared to cut your vegetables?
Or au contraire, this is a lucky day for you? Are you going to play Lotto? Try to join an unreachable team? Try to flirt with that girl you loved for so long?

Normal day for me, I don't believe in that kind of shit :)
Same here... Havent even noticed :o
Normal day for me, I don't believe in that kind of shit :)
never happended anything bad at this day so nope.
Today sucks.
i know that feeeling but i cant blame the 13th for it :(

<3 :*
fucking shit weather
I came from beach now 8D
Sunny here ^^
PaRzi sucks.
I bet she does ;) ;) ;)
I bet she does ;) ;) ;)
She does ;) ;) ;)
I read she does ;) ;) ;)
I just read from schnee that she read that she does ;) ;) ;)
she* ;););)
ok edited sorry ! :/
she did ;) ;) ;)
I heard she does ;) ;) ;)
only if you are a pussy
had an exam today, was quite easy tbh

and i dont believe in this stuff
I'm safe because I carry my self-made Misfortune Repellent Spray Bottle with me. It contains a magical mix of all things lucky and a hotglued d20 at the bottom, displaying 20 of course.image: draper-43890-600ml-plastic-spray-bottle-00065813M
So no, I'm not scared of it at all.
I just respond to this post, because I feel sorry that noone laughed. :c
You can find a comment funny without replying to it.
dont believe in stuff like that
Had to take 4 bus today, missed the 4 by 2 mins, waited like 1:30 at all. yeaaaa
its always good day for me
day with all the other days.
dont believe in stuff like that & fucking shit weather tho
had interview for new school, succeeded 13th shit thing
friday! gunna be a great fuckin weekend.
Did not even notice even though i spent my day with my calendar to put the 50% discounts on the almost rotten things. So much fun!
im born 13/13/1993 problem?
didn't even notice before you mentioned it
Always the luckiest day for me. For example I had a final exam on one of my study courses, was easy as fuck:D
Nothing bad happend to me. :)
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