Ghost/paranormal stuff


Do you guys believe in paranormal stuff?

I recently seen this pic from a friend of a friend and it's quite good tbh.

Do you guys have any experiences or pictures to share?

Hopefully real ones!

Here's the pic:
image: 553914_4324146587767_820841569_n

Another pic, most likely a mind thing but it's still freaky to me and my partner.

When we had a scan for our baby, after putting the image on my PS3 and rotating the image by accident I was shocked at what I seen. Since it's kind of hard to see, I've outlined the face we can all see.

When my partner was pregnant and we lived at our old accommodation I have so many bad dreams and horrible thoughts it was such a horrible time (I should of had happy thoughts!). Every single night I would be woken up by sick and twisted dreams, different each time but the same situation.

When my son was born I stopped having these bad dreams and slept like a baby after around 7 months of sleepless nights and bad dreams & feelings.

Anyhoooo, images:

image: edited_scan
image: scan_liam_orig

Can anyone else see the face when looking at the unedited version?

just loggin in to say: Would be freaking awesome if ur son looks exactly the same as on the picture in like 20 years :DDDDDD
Shit would be scary lol!

Some people can't see it whilst other can... no idea how you can miss it, once you see that face it's all you can see when looking at the image.

Rotate the image and you can't make out a face whatsoever.
i met an angel and still cannot believe hes real <3
Me too, but she is and I'll be seeing her in 5 days :3
hopefull i can say this sooon tooo... lucky u u alrdy get in touch with her <3
ah to addd one thing, u crazy as hell. dunno i dont believe in stuff like ghosts n stuff =)
So easy to edit pictures like that first one or do them irl, no exif on the pic either hmmmmmmmmmm :)?
No idea, I'll ask about it in details, he's not on my buddy list, might add just to ask lol.

I'm assuming it's real, might not be but that is 1 hell of a picture if it is...
imo fake. please there is nothing paranormal like seeing a human. i dont believe in this and never saw any proper prooofs for it. as long as it doesnt happen to myself i cannot believe in this and since its only a pic..
I downloaded it to check what the exposure time is on the shot, if you look carefully there's a clear 'movement' on his fingers that determines it being a long exposure. Typically if it was set up you could have a long exposure enough for someone to stand in the background and be 'recorded'. Just as it's easy enough to put someone on there in photoshop and lower the opacity etc x)
No, I don't.
casek knows how to deal with this, call ghostbusters
i kinda believe in it,
im scared to fuck with an ouja board for example
I see it, not impressed.
It takes a lot to woo a man ;)
reflection of the photographer
It's hard to believe pictures with ghosts etc because its easily edited

But I do believe in it to an extent, it's one of those things where you say 'I'll believe it if it happens to me'
stfu baba gee
ok fir ;_{
agree with this
no i dont believe in ghosts
you know what's paranormal?
a man who let's a glass of beer turn into piss
from galaxy s2
Clearly a nigger face in the ultrasound images.
yes ofc i do
inb4 photoshoop
image: illuminatit

Its the same pic, rotated 180 degrees, watch carefully

also, sick paint skills


image: liamminati

according to the 2nd pic, ur son might me the real harry potter
So that's why he walks into walls....
I can actually see a cat sleeping there:

image: oDclR
say what...? SAAAY WHAT?! :D
can't you see? it's like sleeping, with his head between the body.. in a oval shape... we can see the back of his head!

am i crazy? :D
loool :D :(
for me it looks like the forever alone face!

rofl... indeed now that you've said that i can also see it :DDDDDD amazing
ROTFL you just made me 2 minutes laughing non-stop :XDDDDDDDDDddddddd
Funny thing is the face u drew there on the 2nd photo looks a lot like the guy on the photo above xD.
lol true :D
ghosts? bitch please
the first pic giving me creeps.
No. There is no such thing as paranormal or supernatural, or supranatural. Just normal and natural.

There are enough astounding things in the universe without making shit up
I believe in those stuff man that's why i like them movies too! :D they are just so scary :D
Can't see it:(, might want to turn opacity down on
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