Cigarettes plain packaging

What´s your opinion on plain packaging for cigarettes?
-As i understand in Australia the legislation will force cigarette companies to sell their cigarettes in a logo-free drab dark brown packaging from December 2012.(wiki)
-The British government has announced the start of a consultation on the introduction of plain packaging of tobacco products.

For those unfamiliar with the subject, the WHO urges governments to strictly regulate the tobacco industry and this was one of the ideas that came up to lower tobacco consumption.
If passes in the UK, it will set a precedent and probably many other countries could/would do it, too.

I don´t smoke but i think it sucks, cuz all the packs would look the same and well i kinda like brands and this would put an end to em in the tobacco industry.

Some pics that shows how could they look like:
image: 1
image: mock-up-picture-of-cigarette-packet-featuring-data
image: Cigarette_pack_plain_packaging_%20front_of_pack_75percent_health_warning

What´s your opinion ?
we already have this in France but pics aren't that shocking :D
I still have no idea why governments are raging so bad about cigarettes.. you never see pics of smashed bodies after a drunk driving accident on beer bottles or BIG BLACK AND WHITE warnings on bottles of alcohol do you? no..
Those Alc companies have damn good lobbyists
Shouldnt those things be shown on cars instead then, the car is the cause of the bodies smashing etc not the alcohol :)
your reasoning is so bad
well he was kinda putting it that way that alcohol is the only thing that kills people in traffic, that there is no way for people die in car accidents and stuff if there is no alcohol involved
what is bad on his reasoning? alcohol itself destroys your liver and brain, its not gonna smahs your body unless u combine it with some greater force
smashed bodies was just an example/image he gave us so we know what could happen if you drink and then drive (it could have been any other car accident-related things), its not the car itself who make you have accident, its you under the influence of alcohol - thats just my interpretation
Bad argument. The car usually doesn't simply crash by itself. It's usually a human fault, cause by alcohol at some cases, lack of sleep etc etc.
and the tobacco companies don't...oh wait ;)

besides it's hard to say where the alcohol came from(as in - what do bartenders care about pictures on bottles) or what kind it was and what actual damage(other than liver damage) it is going to cause, if any.

the damage caused by smoking is more anticipatable and more diverse imo.
so definitely an easier target to campains like this.

though i'd really love to see either of them governed in a better way, statistics on children smoking and drinking regulary are way too high to be ok with it imo. but worse on smoking, since it's imo way more addictive than drinking.
As a smoker I'm all fine with no smoking in Restaurants, public places etc. But I think nowadays everyone knows about the possible consequences from smoking so I would like to see a little more activity in the alcohol section because I am fairly sure that theres a lot more people dieing from drunk driving accidents than from second hand smoke.
overall accedents
heavily wounded
minor wounds

obviously you can't really compare passive smoking to drunk-driving, at least not realistically. true, it's comparing both side-effects, though the damage done by tabacco products is less in passive-smoking but more in the frequent consumption.

also, without sounding too heartless, i think those numbers are not high enough to require instant fixing. lung cancer patients and deaths do though. and i believe cancer treatment is more costly than pension. (besides alot of cancer patients don't get to work as long, so they get their pension, at least shares of it, sooner so them dying sooner doesn't actually save the exact amount of money)
Uh look at those... Pfffft! I'd just use one of those then.

image: 39101210

GNAHAHA! I couldn't care less :)) Btw why stop there, let's put it on alcohol bottles as well.. and what about candy? Let's put obese kids on every single package... I want freaking tortured animals on make-up products and starving children on the tag of my cheap clothes.
German beer will also be rebranded shortly after

image: 350jh34
its kölsch. it prolly will kill you
At least you wouldn't know it was alcohol you were drinking :P
I'd totally buy this
its like drinking water tbh :P
because of the ausschwitz pic on it amiright
Thats right and that's whats going to happen if such thing passes around here.
The boxes in Chile already have some fucked up pictures
I don't understand why would they put pics like those on the cigarette's packing. I don't think there is a single person on the planet who wouldn't know what does smoking do with your health. And whoever smokes this shit is a retard.
Also it's the biggest tax income for every country, so keep smoking idiots. Afterall It should appear in health treatment, because I don't really like the way that brainless people are being treated from my money.
wow so much hate, did your friends burn you with ciggarettes or smth?
It's just I don't understand how can people be this retarded. Well okay, do whatever u want, I just don't wanna inhale that disgusting smoke and I don't wanna pay for your new lungs. Also I hate when the idiot throws away stub to the ground. I find it kinda pathetic that we can't go on a longer car trip without stopping because you can't control yourself and you have to light up on one. Still it's a better habit then pulling out your willie every 10 minutes.
But smoke it and show the kids how tough you are!
you could name xxx retarded things/habbits that ppl do and xxx health problems that are caused by it, no reason to hate only on ciggarettes. Also some ppl smoke bcoz they like it not to look though :XD
So please explain me what do people like about inhaling reek? What is good about it? Also your mouth will taste like shit, your theet will be rotten just like your palate.
There is no rational explanation for this.
It feels pretty good, maybe you should try it ? :D
I've already tried it when I was 13 or so. It though i'll be a tough guy if I smoke cigarette. Eventho I put it down after 2 months maybe, because It's smell was bad, I had bad taste in my mouth and it's useless.
its special kind of oxygen
it's not necessarily about taste, though even thats a factor for some. it's about the feeling of the smoke and about the nicotin rush. well and at some point it's about giving in to the oral fixation too
it's called nicotine and just blindly hating something doesn't get you far, we all get it, you don't like smoking - calling other people retards and faggots because they smoke is a bit over the line, isn't it?
you're clueless
I think those campaigns are usually aimed at people who are about to start smoking not the ones that are already addicted.
think it's more about reminding of rather than educating on what it can cause.
plus for example kids these days somewhat either don't seem to care or to be aware of it (some you can't blame about the lattern tbh, some of them already start at the age of 11/12). though not the smartest thing to do, indeed.
its by far not the biggest tax income, lol. Its just a little part of indirect taxation. The big bucks are collected through direct taxation. The money collected by cigarette tax doesnt serve "general" interest btw. It is, in most states, used to finance lung cancer health care. Just FYI
they might know it about, but they never wasted a single thought of how it could affect them personal. because uts the sentence "just the others get such crap". when you see things like this some, just some people with a brain might start thinking rational and critical about what they do.
The last one is realy.... brrr.. sweet weed :D
I already got cancer from watching seareal's movie clips so it's OK.
disgustin tbh but this doesnt help to change my mind about cause i know about this before i saw this pics. i would defn change to what parzi just posted
The nastiness of these pictures causes rather anorexia in my case than preventing me from smoking.
actually this is not anout the pictures on the packages, my reason posting this is because basically there is no more cigarette branding, all the boxes will look the same, will be brown with some pics like those and the name of the brand in black letters.
Many if not every country already have this pictures, the "news" here is about the ugly pics on the packs, its about every package of every brand being the same color, etc.
When i I read this journal i was reminded of this movie
No because they look ugly.
Cigarettes are bad my friend, smoke joint :)
i'm never paying attention to the pics.
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