Haye v. Chisora

hey fellahs

would anyone of you be so kind to give me a working live stream of this fight?

any predictions?
haye will win
Chisora (:
inb4 ...

both are stains in the boxing world. hope they kill each other
need another stream, fizmos keeps lagging for me
Worked perfect for me.
David, bumaye!
easy haye
Easy for Haye
as expected all the hate just show. nevertheless surely the best fight in heavyweight since a long time. enjoyed watchin via laggy stream
fuck don king

its funny how do they hate each other before the fight and right after the end haye gives respect to chisora and say that hes gonna be a champion
it's all showmanship to get more viewers hence more money for them both.
i know, it was even very clear that Haye will win, if haye would loose then klitschko wouldnt want to fight vs haye, so don king would loose so much money. Hes gonna earn a very big money for the Witalij Klitschko v. David Haye fight
sick fight
lol nerds watch box :DDDDDDDDDD
nice fight, waiting for Amir Khan vs Danny Garcia now =)
same, dunno if i can wait up til 4 am to watch =(
Won 200€ + 3 beers, nZ nZ nZ <3

Bets were that Haye going to take it in 6 rounds, woo woo.
nice fight , chisora was better atleast before 5th round :-D
I knew Haye's gonna win
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