Forever alone on Crossfire

image: cf_alone8xbut

image: 150505

Forever alone on Crossfire :(

Big "thank you" to Tosspot, the Devs and everyone else behind CF4, its a great job you've done there, let the haters talk, they will get used to the page.
We have disabled user count as that was a major performance problem :)

You might feel a little bit more speed now!
little more speed? this site is slower than facebook now..
It's still faster than 1 hour ago.
i want my buddy online view back cause this makes me feeel alone too :(
awwww :D gnight
u r on yeah =) goood night
need to get an avatar before i go to bed!
what is this Follower/Follows thingie? Also, where can I check for the replying notification now as it isnt in inbox anymore :S

e: also what is this flag thing? I can hardly believe that Im a highly active contributor, nor Im a blabbermouth :(
follower means u follow them but they dont follow u. follow other way around. they add u u didnt add back
2nd i dunno :(((
Why could I add you to my follow-list then?
oh dunno... thought it sounds logic. did same haha now i see all but still not if u r online :'(
Most useless feature on crossfire 4.0 so far..
well it wasnt the right reason i gave anyway. would be interesting to nknow about this "feature"
and i cannot cleary see who replied to who :///

im sooo mad about this. but at least its faster now
I never wanted to follow somebody, nor I have ever clicked on that follow button once, wtf is this? I'm disappointed :(
The people you follow are guys who YOU added onypur buddylist but they did not add you and your followers are people who added you but you didnt add back
nope i have someone i follow who is also buddy.

Haha, apt award!
ppppppphhh same :PPP
nope, as schnee already said..
I guess I understood it now. You get a notification, if someone you follow contributes content. No comments, but journals/articles etc.
I guess I understood it now. You get a notification, if someone you follow contributes content. No comments, but journals/articles etc.
to be honest, this "migration from cf3" function doesnt work. I forgot my initial email adress i used to register this account and tried the migration function which really didnt work out. Only after really long researcg i found my old email adress and was able to log in. Maybe thats the reason why only few people are around here
That was indeed a serious bug. But we managed to work it out :)
i was really worried about this and thought about registering another account. Hope that it works now :)
and why the hell i saw forum posts but im not allowed to view :o
e.g. guidelines bei toss :(

i rly want to learn about but u gave me no chance lol :D
Those are admin forums :P

We didn't segment the forum listing :(
well then why do i see it ??!

plus i request a q&a page for all my question like explaining follower/follows if u will make some changes after the first days using it and so on .. :)
QuoteWe didn't segment the forum listing :(


The column with the rocket launch on the front page rotator will shed a light on all features :)
hehe 100+ followers ;) i rule

how can i follow people?
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