My opinion to make CF forum better

1. Reduce the headline size and dont put Italic when making journals.
2. Put less white in the forum (Or let the user change the template).
3. Easier acess to make journals.
4. Make the menu a little smaller ( Or put the menu on the right ).
5. On the header put some image next to CROSSFIRE
6. Option to disable friend request

The rest I think its good :)

Who have more opinions to make the forum better put here.

Thank you :)

Player opinions:

reduce the size of things. posts looks gigantic, so do replies and the right side menus
Edit those avatars off from your profile, it is right there.

"Enable avatars
If checked shows avatars in comments"

And making journal-making easier. Seriously? One click more than before...
Thank you Thomm, i didnt had much time to check all website but thats what I saw, I gonna edit the topic :)
5. Remove the image of the profile when commenting because the image look stupid.

edit here:
Thank you too :)
6. Check (if that's what you mean)
If thats all flags possible to have yes it is. Thank you, editing topic.
you can make fucking tables?!
If I want I can :)
reduce the size of things

posts looks gigantic, so do replies and the right side menus
Gonna put your suggestion in topic, Thank you for help :)
i think someone woke up this morning and said:lets make cf least thats how it looks like
Get a clue ;)
This is the most stupid thing i've ever heard. Do you have any clue how hard it is to code and design such a website. They aren't using any "known" CMS to help them. They had to port it from CF3 to CF4. It takes ages to make a website like that. An agency would charge 30k€ at least for something like that.
Get your facts straights before commenting on something you don't know.
dont give a shit about how hard was for them to port from cf3,looks(AND THATS WHAT MY POST IS ABOUT,so gtfo with other offtopic crap talk in ur reply) it all that matters,and now its just uber crap...pretty much one of the worst i saw.but on the other hand ur right,it wasnt made by an agency,so i should expect to have quality after all
In my opinion, they did a really good job. I really like the new design.
You can't say something is shit since not everybody shares your point of view. Just say that you don't like it.
If you have any improvements in your mind, just PM the admins. But stop spitting on their work, you seem to have no clue what respect is.
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