Whats up everyone - CF4?

So, I saw how crossfire changed from 3.2 to 4.0, I mean we all saw because we're using it right now of course. I just wanna share some of my thoughts, I kind of find it hard to use the website right now, probably because its new and things aren't in the brain yet, however I doubt the previous version was much much easier to use. Though I love the layout, not bad I'd say, I mean tosspot, and his team been working on this for 2 years ? I appreciate that, but I just had this in my mind, how about if they can allow us to choose our own layout? You know how some websites have that? Where you get to choose your design for the website, and in the list you can also add the previous version? If possible? .. Other than that I like the widget on the right hand side, and overall the colours are looking great, as well as the menu bar, though I miss the old profile style/design.

Anyways, thanks for reading guys. Share your thoughts....
Quote by TosspoT yesterday, 19:28

Please understand that requests for CF2/3 Skins are not going to be considered.

slept a night and now im more calm, although it is still laggy and i dont like the slim view
also some things are still missing, but when they apppove this issues it will be fine

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