First morning journal 16/07/2012

Good morning fellow Crossies!

How was your weekend? Did you chill and relax? Did you have a BBQ with your mates? Went to the seaside? Party hardy like duNzy?

I was mostly nerding LoL because all my mates went to the seaside for 1 week, had some bears in the evening and smoked some weed, a quiet weekend, but that's just what I needed after an extensive period of being retardedly wasted every week.

Today is a big day and u know why!!! Breaking Bad S05E01!!!!

image: 198237_10150992451707722_1687749604_n

Downloading ATM! Please, if you have already seen the episode, don't spoil it for me (and others).

Have a good day!

Regards, Mike.

Hello m1ke,

had quite a relaxing weekend... didnt do fuck all, lol!

thats all.
Sorry for the lack of interesting content, questions and stuff, I'm still half asleep.
But I had to make it because someone is lazy!!
oh no problem mate, I just dont feel like I have much to say this morning, hence the short reply XD
FU i was going to post mine!


Well, anyway.
I spent my week end at work (from 8.30 to 19.30 on Saterday and from 8 to 13.30 on Sunday). Those were my two last days and I've to say that I'm already bored. I wish I could have worked two more weeks, mostly to make more moneeeeeeyyyy wooouuh! This is obviously impossible as the Carrefour are probably the most demanded shops to work for (at least here in Wallonia) during summer.

The highlight of Saterday was the following. It was around 11.30 in the morning. Plenty of customers waiting to pay. 6 cash machines (don't know how it's called tbh) running. 6 Cashier getting crazy with all the stuffs to ask to these old morons. You actually spend more time giving and asking all the craps (loyalty cards, "smile stamps, "luggage" stamps ...) than "bipping" the products. Anyway I needed to change the paper in my printer but I managed to destroy my machine. It actually completely bugged and stayed stuck. One less machine.
A work fellow had to go eating. It took her machine, saw a yellow melon on the desk. I checked my codes list, found it: 80 PLU. Typed it and I suddenly saw €1000 on my screen. Impossible to cancel it (still dunno why), the machine needed to be resetby phone with the headquarter. One less machine. We ended up the day with only 4 cashiers on the hardest day of the week. What a great laugh I had with my fellows right after :D

Anyway today I'm stuck home alone without car. My brother went back to Montpellier on Saterday, my mom works and so does my father.. (not that I care but they both need their car :D).
What am I going to do? Watch Dirty Jobs, Myth Busters and those shitty shows seems to be the answer.
I don't want to watch Breaking Bad with only one episode available. I hate when you have to wait to know what will happen. Don't feel the same with big bang theory or how i met though as there is no storyline at the end of the episodes.

e: God I'm so bored i'm even considering taking a shit een though I don't feel the need to..
good morning vietnam! image: good-morning-vietnam-movie
Didn't do too much, next 2 days will be busy as I'll be leaving again for Germany

Fuck breaking bad, METALOCALYPSE season finale is out today! Fuck yeah!

image: metalocalypse
I've already watched it. 8)

they all die in the series

have a nice day
Ive been at work except on sunday :-(
moviemaking :D
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