i like the headline i really do / schNee's morning

so hello =)

after raging last night about and now back to check all again.. im not that mad anymore. guess and hope they going to take the advices ppl made serious and will improve some of the main issues. but there are some things i rly like, e.g. eventview(which make it maybe a bit more active and u got good overview), notifications, preview, albums i still dont get this point, maybe cause its not working :D i rly like the layout save/load function
anyway i dunno why, but is it only me who cannot see full list of journals? i still only 2 the first 2 made yesterday after going live :(

since i always spread more love than hate. i wish you all a good start into this week. its my last week at old job. whoooop whooop!! =)

some questions:
WHERE'S THE FUCKING SUMMER???? had maybe 5 summer days in berlin
Clubbing or bar? clubbing
car, bike or bus? caaaaaaaar

one thing to add related to style: please get other awards they loook like im in first class of schoool or even in kindergarten :(

Shoutouts: Carla (aww :* <3), romeo <3, wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Andrew, Thomm , Michael, CONFO(!), mica, flooflooo, dialer(kikoo), Estaloth, Jooooaaaaaaaaa (nice hair), marko, .ee & fins =), the GANG, the #bd channel, m!das, tAliiiii, hentai!, fakyy, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFELPoffel!, severus the peach, estaloth the real g, ALAN, and my buddies

over and out, have a nice day all <3
I don't like the fact that my comment will take so much place on my screen
yeah i always hate to scroll and now i need to scroll alot. plus the immense space on both sides :(
morning schnee,

m1ke already made a morning journal I guess you can't see it cause you can only see last 2 journals xD


but hey, way I see it we need tons of journals and content anyway to keep the site running and busy for testing!

have a good day

e: forgot to answer the questions...

I dont need summer. my vacation is over and I dont need 30+° when I have to work anyway!

Clubbing or bar?
depends... clubs here usually play electronical or pop music and I dont like neither. so I'd usually prefer a bar - unless there is a "rock show" in town, they usually have club night afterwards in same venue.

car, bike or bus?

car. I never use public transportation x)
to keep the site running and busy for testing that was actually my plan :P

but but at least at weekend woould be nice. i want to swim in the lake but its sooo cold :(
or even beach nothing so far. always thinking about biking but dont want to get in a rainshower.. :/

bars and rock. i like that. we have some of them here :D more crazyness isn t possible well mostly im drunk :P
Morning Saskia, I found the problem same as you with the 2 journals, for now enable all your tags and it works OK again :( http://speedy.crossfire.nu/threads/45419/crossfire-4-bugs-feature-requests#c4172708

WHERE'S THE FUCKING SUMMER???? Hopefully soon :D I got my speedos packed ready nznznz
Clubbing or bar? Bar! But I'm happy where there's beer.
car, bike or bus? Bike for fun and enjoying the outdoors, car for mechanics and everything else x)
thank you andrew its working. btw i like that feature that when u reply you do it directly below the comment! booom!

when r u leaving?? and how long will u stay and where the hell are u going with my love :( ??! =)
I'm leaving tomorrow :D Only bought a one way ticket for now but I think around 3 months x) Where am I going? All the places! And taking her out for a few dinners (and try to cook some myself ofc!) :>
awwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 u rly should come to berlin for at least a weekend. would like to have my loves around me :)
Where is the summer?
Dunno, this has to be the worst summer ever, rain atleast three times a day and always fucking cloudy.

Clubbing or Bar
Easy choice, clubbing of course

Car, Bike or Bus?
Car or Motorbike

Song for now:

!! =)

wo gehst du clubben in kw??! :P:P:P:P
Oha, sowas hörst du, ziemlich oldschool. :D

KW? Meinst du Kraftwerk oder wie?! :D
oldsql never dies :o

aehm ich hab dich verwechselt haha sry :P
how to clear filter to see more journals??!

sorry m1ke didnt see a shit :((
Edit account settings then go to Tags and enable all
hell yeaaaaaaaaaaaah =)))
where can I see my headline ?
the headline of a journal for example or newspost. design of it :x
First time in a year I watch cf and I see you are still doing your morning journals hehe ;D
helllo :) im just back since 3 weeks ;)

all fine sui???!
Can't really get used to it, already see myself using this site way less now. Also not gna be bothered with any more morning journals in the near future I guess. The actual journal should be distinguishable from its comments and for me that's not the case yet. The sections should be more defined. Make the comments smaller, give the journal a different background color... stuff like that. So much work and effort has been put into this site and its improvements, just the layout seems a bit hasty... I don't know. So I'm still mad in a way I guess :D

WHERE'S THE FUCKING SUMMER???? What's that? This summer you're talking about?
Clubbing or bar? Bar
Car, bike or bus? Car :)
yeah i agree. ive notice im much more on fb or well at work sites haha :P:P
recent comments missing, different color for comments i so agree buddy online view. and the spaces on the left and right border keeeps me crazy. i scroll way tooo much also i smallered the view of the site :(

anywaaaaaaaaaaay berlin my dear... get this ready in ur 3 month!!!! <3
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