Need someone to play DayZ with!

I just got the game and trying to learn the game. I could use someone to help me out a bit, explain the basics perhaps and defend me from the Zombies while I run around unarmed, unable to find weapons.

Would be cool if we could meet on Skype/TS/Vent :)

Hope you're having nice day!
I cant play today but I will be online from Tuesday onwards!
There's a newbie guide on (it's in German though):,43597,2569478.html

Maybe it helps.
Not really. Thanks, though.
probably going to buy it pretty soon, hope that it will be cheaper on steam tho
It's already on sale, have fun waiting.
I'm actually pretty sure that it will be even cheaper. I know a guy that worked for steam. He told me to wait till 22 and keep an eye on the sale. He's pretty sure that they'll make it even cheaper, just because dayZ is starting to be huge.

It's already on sale but only 20%. The summer sale ends 22 while the sale on arma2: co ends 23. If it wont be cheaper, I can still buy it 20% cheaper.
Me and Sinfulsebastian are ready!
Wish I had time to actually play it :(
Honestly i would head over to tek9 if i were you we have a huge community playing it now. Check the threads :)

Good stuff!
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