The features I can't wait for are...

... checking my inbox and log out.

Seriously, if this were real life, I could sue you.

PS: And posting a journal without obnoxious error messages.
this shit here still confuses me way too fucking much

everything is so messed up and i cant really see through anything here
true that. I got a feeling that the decission of synchronization new developped version with working one was made after smoking some big crack :D there is prolly more stuff not working than the other ones. And keeping developement environment which shows log and stuff is rly big joke :D
just giive them some days to fix all the bugs and at the end we are all happyhippos again <3
Imo the only thing we really need is a darker background.
It's 19 o'clock, getting dark outside and those 2 mnutes on crossfire have already made my eyes wet..
really that bad? tbh i cant say anything bad about the brightness only about the issue its all white. some grey parts between different comments would be great.
Get F.Lux. It helps a lot.
rofl what a nerd app :D
How is that nerdy?
When your eyes hurt it's time to go to bed.
Plus spending the night is front of the computer is defo nerdy, imo.
What if you're working on the computer for 8-10 hours each day, and your eyes generally can't handle this. That's what this is for.
Turn on your desk light?
Doesn't do the same, doesn't reduce the stress on the eyes.

Also, all my light bulbs burnt through one after the other and I cba to replace them. ;)
Quoteall my light bulbs burnt through one after the other

Du kaufst alle bei aldi...
They had 2 months to fix these problems.
I want to see who of my buddies are online
recent comments are missing too
No they aren't? They're under recent activites at everyone's profile :O
well... i dont want to click everyones profile to see t"their" recent posts i want the ones from the whoooooooooole community :D
Ah, I see. Makes sense :)
I just wanted to say hi
hiiiiiiiiiiiii =)
Erm, you can do those things already xd
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