CF4.0 Feedback

As a whole, I don't think the new website is that bad and is a step in the right direction. However I have two complaints that can be easily fixed and will make the user experience better.

My biggest complaint, The login area. Before the update I typed in my details and clicked login. Now I have to click login, type in my details then click login again. The process of logging in is now more time consuming, sure it is only a few extra seconds but it is a step back in my opinion. I might be sounding lazy here but I would rather click once than twice, I have shit to do you know.

Second complaint, too much white. There needs to be some contrast between user comments. It's quite hard to focus on specific comments being made because everything is the same colour and blends into one.

Apart from these two issues, I quite like the website.
id like to add at this line" by mintuz • less than 5 minutes ago • Journals " how many comments have been made w/o watching at journal section.

look here about the white thingie prob:

and i agree on the login prob

plus id like to add. i like the different inbox/out/box/notification part but imo pms's dont need to be listed in notifications list
You can edit notifications from your settings.
coolio thanks :)
"type in my details", how about "Save password for this site"?

And for second one, check antmans journal few journals below.
maybe he's not accessing crossfire from a private computer every time?
Meh, then it is just one click more, nothing wrong with that.
nothing wrong with that for you, he clearly has a problem with it!
we should make a poll about it
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