new cb admins doing well!

I find it quite sad that ohurcool and t4mj (now C&A admin) get so little respect eventhough they try to bring some fresh new wind into the scene! And yes, I also found the divisions fucked up but eventually they turned out okay with a few swaps.

They seem a lot more cooperative and helpfull (not saying the ones before weren't) and appear to have an open ear for concerns and wishes. Also they have my full respect for their recent work against cheaters. Has been a while since admins really took care of them.

For example: in order of the long response times onto my support tickets I forwarded the information to ohurcool who sped the progress up a lot, so I am happy to say (eventhough it most likely will be nonamers to you) that a couple of guys who I had a long fight against finally received what they deserve within a short time.

Inferno: - a year passed before this progress
shNz: - two years passed before this progress
deztr0: - two years passed before this progress
drovage: - three years passed before this progress
tohaj: - a year has passed before this progress

And a shitload of others who returned recently and over and over again!

Just wanted to share my thought, /flame on

ye ohurcool is doing a good job tbh, and lol are those guys really banned?
t4Mj and ohurcool both are doing fine :)
oh ye but t4mj has been doing it for ages, it goes without saying :D
I think there is someone missing from that list tho, looking at some of the reasons ;)
all compliments sound like sarcasm in cf
you did good on LAN :)
ohurcool too strong.
Nice to see that people can also say good words about admins ;)
have to agree, they are awesome!
they are doing a good job :)

BUT: "finally received what they deserve within a short time."????

you deserve a ban just as much if not more than those players. did you even serve any ban for your cheating history? seriously who gives a shit about people who RWB 2 years ago. they can't cheat on TZAC without getting caught so they should be allowed to play CB. I won't name anyone but there are current players who abused the CB ban system by returning and were never punished for that, and I don't think they should be banned at all because they haven't cheated since their initial ban.
lol i still cheat on tzac and not getting caught
and this too
was testing sth , u dont have to belive me
just die
As my foolish xfire "selfbust" screenshot wasn't proof enough to ban me I never got banned. I didn't play in any league for 6 months (also a bit as a selfpunishment) and later on I was tagged (without a ban) by killerboy for 6 months.
jeje a good job seriously they are not reliable for this job this cheater loving thing grow more and more nothing against u
waiting for Excite madness about tamjee
yep cheaterlovers at clownbase :)
slurp slurp
After CB ET Headadmin get the worst admin CB has ever seen, i stopped to care.
the belgium guy. He is retarded.
you mean goldorak? :p
Bruuuuuunoooo <3 I think they should make a chatbox on this site, and also one where you can chat with just 1 person. Much easier than starting up IRC just 2 ask how you're doing x]
hell yeah, but i guess it might be too hard for them to code ^^
If ohurcool was that smart, he would have asked an experienced cheater buster(not like me, more like bestest cheaters buster every, Garym8!) before requesting idiotic bans.

How can you even listen to retarded kids like Kalli aka galiathus? Please request a ban for Kalli aka galiathus. He was banned some years ago, but who the fuck cares? He's reporting cheaters that cheated several years ago anyway.

I had my faith in you, ohurcool. But now I've lost it.
As Artstar said above, listening to ex-cheaters is like watching a porn movie with your grandma(I'm just sayin').
You have faith in Kwiz too?
Sure, why not? I have faith in all till they listen to retarded kids.
I haven't finished Kwizlord's training yet. I went inactive when he was made LA. We'll see after I do it.
brb, laughing
I'm always laughing when I'm speaking with you. It makes no difference if I speak to a wall or if I speak to you.

Only because you acted like a jerk now. :)
jerk ?
he plays with cheaters and still admin, thats the funniest part there.
and that wasnt so kind of you.
You've played with ex-cheaters aswell. What's your point?
If I ban one of your friends for being a cheater 2 years ago, how does that make you look?
thats why i stopped playing with them? for last years when i joined CB i played with clean players.
and if you want, ban them all. and those guys are rwb, thats why theyre banned again.
Here's where you did wrong(last time I will try to explain). I'll make it look like a discussion, maybe it clears some things up for you.

K aka G: Hey t4Mj! It looks like some cheaters that were banned 2 years ago had also another account while they were banned then. Shouldn't they be banned now again?
T-man: Yeah, but 2 years passed so who gives a fuck? We have such a little community of active players and it's not worth to ban clean tzac players just because of your ego.
K aka G: But they are cheaters! I will tell mom if you don't ban them!
Le T-Man trying to ask players why they made a new account.
Le response: what account?
K aka G: Thank you for banning them T-man! I feel much better now and I feel like you are doing your job properly! I would go outside and play with my friends but I'm forever alone and I need to find more ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-cheaters(including me) that you should ban!

See the points were you did wrong. If you can't do that, then I've made my point with you and CB bans not worth tagging on CF.
prolly that Kaka G is madeup name for gali, to make your sleeping more beautiful, i NEVER talk with him about my work, once i joined i told him to stop spaming me with that, instead of this making tickets. (and hes blacklisted on IRC same goes to Robaciek) Hes doing it, other c&a admins see ticked which has valid info and then requesting. Now you look like that wall.
You should talk with them so that you always know what they have in their mind and how they can screw you when they're mad. :)
i dont care.
show me the proof of one of those bans, I highly doubt you have any valid proof, but as you are afraid of doing so I don't even think you have any at all.
Why must you involve yourself with every post on this website which even remotely concerns ClanBase?

These players were not banned for cheating several years ago. They were banned for cheating several years ago then creating new accounts while their bans were still active.

I'm not sure how things are done in ESL (and frankly, I don't care - at least not as much as you seem to care about us), but in CB a player is not allowed to play while he is banned.

QuoteAny player found playing while currently serving a ban, will receive the following punishment:

If the suspension period is shorter than 12 months, 12 months from playing
If the suspension period is 12 months or longer, permanent (120 months) from playing

ClanBase Cheat & Abuse Policy

I'd also like to point out the extreme irony being displayed here, considering ESL banned Poland sosji for "fakeaccount_suspicion" (whatever that means) while he has no cheating history whatsoever.
I had hopes that you would edit your post looking at what you just said:

QuoteThese players were not banned for cheating several years ago. They were banned for cheating several years ago then creating new accounts while their bans were still active.

Are you serious?!?! I won't insult you because I know you are new to this. But before going out and start acting "like a boss" with those that are far more experienced than you, you should at least try to think what you are writting. :(

I know very well the rules from Clanbase. But it does not say what happens with a player that was banned in the past, that made more accounts which were not banned and that got unbanned for the cheating violation. Please link me to that specific rule.

So if this is not mentioned in your rules, how can you ban those players?! On what matter/rule do you ban them? You ban based on your "common sense" which is very wrong. This is why I'm on about your retarded(not you, but other CB admins) way to ban.

I have hopes that I'm not talking to a wall when I'm talking with you. Had many experiences with CB admins, hopefully you're not that kind.

e: Take in account that I'm not retarded nor do I want to make Clanbase look like a fool. I'm pointing out serious mistakes that occur in your Clanbase ET Admin Staff.
those bans are given only on still active rwb bans, wondering when u will finally get it.
QuoteI'm pointing out serious mistakes that occur in your Clanbase ET Admin Staff.

they have nothin in common with banning.
I really hope you (ESL & CB) can once and for all stop arguing. it's been a really really long time now, new staff, new arguments but the same old shit of ESL vs. CB / CB vs ESL nonstop arguing, how on earth is ET meant to progress when the only two major competition hosters squabble over such things.

ET's managed to survive nearly 10 years just based on people's love for the game and general enjoyment of playing/competing/spectating but with bigger hurdle appearing such as LoL/SC2/ShootMania/BattleField that seem to take so many players away from our community how can we honestly last for the following seasons without some cohesion between these two leagues. both websites run in a completely different way so there's absolutely no point in any of you continuing this argument and sorry FoaMeA for replying only to you with this, it's directed at everyone who hosts a competition, working against other leagues holds no purpose and honestly neither ESL nor CB would be 'better' without the other existing in ET.

I genuinly hope you will both stop this crap and finally learn to communicate with each other in order to actually help ET. if a player is banned on CB, he deserves a tag on CF whether he's banned on ESL or not and vice versa with ESL banned players. just stop caring and put work in together to not cause more problems with the activity of clans in ET. both leagues have made mistakes over the years and both have admins that feel the need to complain about the other organisation's flaws, after such a long time of this shit occuring I honestly feel you owe it to yourselves and everyone who attempts and intends on competing in both leagues to shut the fuck up and find a way to move forward.
I agree that we need to communicate! However, Clanbase ET admins do not look at the things as you and me are.

QuoteET's managed to survive nearly 10 years just based on people's love for the game and general enjoyment of playing/competing/spectating

And now Clanbase is banning some clean tzac players and they want me to tag them on CF. Just look at what ohurcool is telling me below................

I'm trying to communicate with them, I'm trying to explain them as much as possible that there's a glitch in their rules and they can avoid banning ex-pbbans-cheaters(or even tzac cheaters that have expired bans) that are now tzac clean players. How are they responding? You can see their messages by yourself.

What can I do more?!
You forgot to bold "then creating new accounts while their bans were still active" in your quote.

I don't know how to make my point any easier to understand, so I will instead give an example:

ToHaj (a player with whom ESL admins should be quite familiar) was banned on CB in December 2010 for cheating on TZAC. -->

NOTE: This ban was for 12 months, set to expire in December 2011.

In June 2011, while his 12-month ban was still active, ToHaj created a new CB account.

As per CB policy, ToHaj was banned for 120 months - returning while banned.

He has also created at least 3 more CB accounts.


These accounts have been banned, not just because he cheated in 2010, but because he cheated in 2010 THEN decided to create new CB accounts while his ban was still active.

I hope this clears things up a bit.
Lovely how you link finnish players to german players who even played at the same time in the same team on a games tv match. I wonder how many arms this must've had in order to play with 2 players at the same time in the same match.
I will try to make it look simple.

Tohaj(Drovage or other player that was banned like this) -> banned for cheating (ok - true)
Tohaj(Drovage or other player that was banned like this) -> made a new account while banned (ok - true)
Tohaj(Drovage or other player that was banned like this) -> unbanned for cheating (ok - true)
Tohaj(Drovage or other player that was banned like this) -> banned for rwb now because he made a new account while was banned in period December 2010 - December 2011

Now, where can I find the following rule:
"If you were banned and created a new account while you were banned, but you have been unbanned for the cheating violation, you will still be banned whenever we find out that you have created a new account while banned."

Plus, there should also be a question towards player before banning. Something like: "Hey retarded ex-cheater, are you still using all these 3 accounts? Would you like us to help you avoid the multi-acc ban? It's just 10 years worth ban!"
This question never occurs, because it's a matter of experience and understanding of the rules.

It may not apply to Tohaj's case, but it surely applies to the rest(I know that he was banned for rwb anyway). I would have banned Tohaj for cheating aswell, but when I noticed the ban it was already gone. :(

I hope this clears things up a bit. :)

e: on another note, I know that it's not your fault, maybe you did not requested those bans. But it is your responsability to inform the persons that give out bans that they took advantage of a glitch in their rules(which I'm sure they are aware of, but unfortunately, they do not teach you aswell) and that the bans should be removed, by common sense. If you need a reason just tell them: short community, need players to make activity.
no, he returned before he got unbanned, got 12 months rwb during that, then created a new account again and received a 120 month ban and returned another time. Do not argue with points you've got 0 idea of
I've heard about that, yes.
As you do not see the whole picture, you make comments like the above one.
Add instead of Tohaj, some other player that you've managed to get banned. Let's say... Drovage!

Many players are in this situation so at least I can do is let them know about this glitch through crossfire.

And you got no idea of how the banning system works. It's not just "I don't like them because they owned me in 3on3 so they must be banned or cheating or something". Learn to accept defeats and try to become a better player by practicising.
for last cases i remember
outlaw - using account which didnt belong to him
shNz - perfect IP match with 2 other accounts which he used in past, and with still active ban, nothing more to talk about
tohaj - multiple accounts on CB anr rwb during active ban period
drovage - same as tohaj, rwb during active ban period

CB has different system of banning than on ESL, prolly you can edit your rules as you want, CB cant. this is neverending story. if you wanna move things, talk with C&A Supervisor and lets see how it will happend.
Time between the IP match? as you are an uneducated bunch I would like to know what research you exactly did, reverse lookups, contact ISP to verify identity, researched the topic dynamic IPs and so on. This is also probably why you linked him to a finnish player.
Parent I see finnish? yeah I know vision, used to play with him back in the day, same for shoqz ;)

And tactically ignoring and not replying to my actual argument in my comment, you're so full of shit.
There is no "glitch" in CB rules; players are not allowed to dodge their bans by creating new accounts, simple as that.
You;re an ESL Admin right?
Why? see how many times he cheated and how many times he came back.
agree with agon =P look how many times he cheated and in fact the last time he got banned (2011) he created a new account to avoid his ban. cheaters are bad enough, but guys like him who've consistently cheated for so long? he lost his chance a long time ago together with guys like junky. even in 2011 he continued to cheat. :P
you should be happy that martijN/sJee wasn't banned
Thanks for posting this
lol cheater in ET

are you serious? Xd
le you dont say–face
cant believe you actually chased someone for 3 years in his cheating actions.
I see quite some similarities between galiathus and maurice :D, in the sense of not being able to handle a loss in a random 3on3 irc war, am i right ayhity?
If the admins wasn't good the community wasn't good :)
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