
After playing reactor_final for the first time in ages tonight, I was asking myself "Why isnt reactor played anymore?".

I mean the map is great, balance is good, both teams have the chance to win.

well i think most of the teams dont like it because nowadays every team wants to rush/frag without big tactics...just push and sk ...if you do this on reactor you ll lose within a minute because once the allies are inside they can easily "spawnkill" the axis cauz of just the one door and the 2 other ways... so you need to have "proper" tacs and atleast 2-3 people inside/no sk to prevent the rushing allied forces from taking over the room ;D

in case i got some more time i will do some 6v6 cups with "new" maps (e.g. reactor, library or pirates again ;D atleast i like the feeling on those "new" maps and it is something new to one`s eyes ;D)
Thing is that even with "proper" tacs that shit was way too random to play at. Even if you practiced it 200 times seriously it would still be the same rush/fragfest after that because thats only thing that map offers. In the end of it it made no sense to pracc it anymore since the results/pracctime invested were much more efficiently used in any other map. Probably one of the worst maps ever played in ET.
As walle stated, it's impossible for either side to have a proper idea of what's going on in the game, the final stage is way too chaotic/random.

But I do like the idea of mixing a covert op for the main objective and since no other map has that quality the map is fun to play but definitely not for serious competition.
agree with the two above me, for a praccing team it is impossible
was a pretty fun map idd :-)
cause its not balanced at all, close to impossible to defend properly
The first stage was pure "rape" for a MG42 at Defense, or a Panzer at Allied. Also at the last stage it was way to complicated to blow up the controls and actually keep them destroyed.
Once allies gets inside, ur fucked
i like this map + karsiah but nerds can only play supply grush & adler

in france we had severals fun cup with fun map ( karsiah, reactor, hog b12, warbell, northpole etc ) i would be happy to play a cup like that for fun :)
"but nerds can only play supply grush & adler"

It's not like the same nerds wouldnt rape u on any of those maps u named
first i dont get raped

second im just playing a game per week, playing others old map is fine for me and i dont see the link about wnning/losing on map like karsiah etc
i can remember betatesting on the hog map..was quit fun ;) and cool to play
hog_b12 has been played at the two latest frenchlan and it was quite fun
we even played railgun @ semi final :xDDDDD
yeah warbell was actually very nice
Better question why isn't sos_secretweapon played
that was a good map.too bad it was ignored lately
lately? last time i played this map in competition was in 2003 or 2004 :<
it was in cb nc 2009 maps
interesting...i wonder how often it actually got played...
Need missile_b3 in mappool.
It was nice indeed to play after so long
i liked the map, but competition wise its bad
Decent map for public / random mixes, but not suitable for competition. Impossible to get a stable defence going on there and the last stage is one of the most chaotic stages I've seen in ET.
what about wolken? hog? pirates? library? sos_secretweapon or dubrovnik ;D
idd pirates IS amazing, likely to be a 2nd grush if all these fags would give it a try. literally the same with library (just without the grush part ^^)
do not know the others xD
It was fun to play it and we almost fullhold so i cant see reason why it cant be defended
"its so chaotic,impossible to defend blabla" is just another way to say " we cant rush&selfkill on this map which means we are basically clueless how to defend properly now"
not true, the last stage is such a shitstorm its impossible to have any sort of coherent tactics. too many entrances to the main room, all of them too close together and an objective that is erratic and difficult. Throw into that mix the chance to spawnkill really hard and its just not cut out for competition.
in the end it always applies to both sides,so it might not be too structured,still whoever can adapt best to the map wins it.luck is always a factor too of course,but thats in every map.people just dont like it because they havent played it often (maybe 20 times in comparision with supply which they played maybe about 1000 times in their careers) which means they cannot apply their routines
Not true. Saying that 'it applies to both sides' doesn't make any sense, and could be said about anything, no matter how badly made it was. Say, for instance, I make a map with 15 stages, each of which are very easy to defend and impossibly hard to attack, would it be a good map? Of course not, but you could say 'it applies to both sides'. Think about it.

Your point about routine is not true either, since there has to be an element of routine and tactical approach and planning that can be applied to sections of a map. That is what makes being in a praccing 'team' worth being in, since your hard work praccing actually pays dividends when it goes well. Reactor is fun, but has no element of tactics incorporated into it whatsoever - you cannot plan for the last stage, MG and panzer are overpowered in the first stage, which places it firmly in the realm of being a map that suits those who play as a mixteam, and not those who play as a praccing, tactical team. Therefore, in competetions (where teamplay and tactical mastery should surely be encouraged) it shouldnt be played.
first: the map would probably end with two fullholds,which isnt a bad thing.and if it doesnt end in two fullholds its also not a bad thing.if the better team wins in attack,they are clearly better,if it ends in two fullholds there will be a decider or whatsoever.sure its not optimal,but your example doesnt even apply to reactor so its pretty much useless point

second: i see what you are saying,but i wouldnt just say that you cannot plan the last surely can if you put some effort in it and if the map gets changed a bit. and the "teamplay and tactical mastery" will surely be encouraged and praccing teams can also get advantages too on this map compared to mixes
Pretty funny how this comment is coming from a guy who has never played ET on any decent level
ive been playing on a pretty decent level actually, not ec level but still the real med+ level...and that was in basically i stopped playing 3 years ago while you are still nerding 24/7 to be finally on the highest level with barely any competition around...its an achievement, right...but i wouldnt be too proud of it
Im pretty sure the first EC i won was 2009, isnt that pretty high level?
I like any map that isnt supply or goldrush
last stage way to chaotic, needs some tweaking if it's ever gonna be played competitively.
there are so many good maps........
do 6 basic maps NEW maps for cb and lets play it

new maps --> new tax ---> et alive ;D!
hope it was ironic...
personally think that new maps should be tried a lot

Bremen should be played more (there are lotto factors, but good tacs etc can be brilliant) along with karsiah (which is very similar to radar it its formulation? just in a closer space), dunno about any others
My personal favourite map, very fun, very intense and is good for team work
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