Browsing much fun

Why does it still take 5 to 10 seconds to load a simple page on this amazing well coded website, its been over 3 days...
Crawl back into your cave!
First off, quit your retarded whining. Secondly, just did a restart and lag issues seem to be resolved.
It's been like this since release.
It's been like this since release.
Why so angry :(?
I don't experience such delays, good sir. Maybe there is a problem on your end.
why dont you just make a journal and bitch about it............OH FUCKING WIAT
Yea I agree that crossfire is really sloooooow
It's fine for me :O
its fine here =)
I've got no problems with the website anymore since 2h after the release. Its actually loading fast.
get a pc/net
why would you 4.0? This is the end of the internet! everything is ruined.
You only seem to be visiting this site to whine, since about a year or 3, so if they would fix everything you don't have a reason to come here anymore? :(
Publishing a half done website, is asking for whine.

And yes, this site is dead, no content what so ever. All the contributors have either moved on or just don't give a shit anymore.

I only visit this site to look up some random journals where I might read it with a smile on my face, but ever since sol and co left, random people are mods now and delete everything cause they can.
buy internet
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