taxi prices in czech prague

Is there anyone familiar with the taxi prices in Prague?

sharing is caring

thankkk you
yeah I think so
Probably someone from Prague.
actually you might wanna pm cuttyP cause he lives in prague :D
This must be the first time ever you actually should PM him :D
yeah and funny enough, now people wont! I guess he wouldnt even notice anyway, dont think he still comes here a lot... :(

typed it fast, soz
pm cuttyP
i wont share nothing with anyone at cf

my comments might get deleted just because i posted
avarage 1€ / km
slovenija 9€ - 600m
They used to rip off tourists, so you better set a price before u get in the car.
ask perfo
why dont u just use public transport? There should be some kind of a weekend ticket for a way fairer price than a taxi ;>
much more convenient and im not going alone and I basically only want a taxi from the airport to the hotel and back again.
You're still in the business ?! Haha tell me when u get the prices I might go in there for the new year !
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