Guild Wars 2 (beta) tonight !

Hi CF !

Tonight is the night of the last guild wars 2 beta ! Tonight is THE night you won't sleep until you're level 20 atleast !

EDIT : on which server are you playing ?

Which race are you gonna play ?

(inb4 goku copy paste a new from somewhere else :D)

(edit : fuck yea, I posted this as a journal after 3 times, thanks thomm)
Cool i will check it out!
Just got myself diablo 3 never really got into the GW games, gonna try it out tho
QuoteJust got myself diablo 3
you shouldn't have :P
wanna try sylvari necro , also wanna hit level 30 by the end of the weekend :D
haha same ! :D Sylvari necro ftw !
Will go clubbing tonight, so I'm probably gonna play tomorrow and Sunday. Too bad they deleted the other chars, but I guess it's gonna be some kind of test for the upcoming release (masses of players in the starting area).

I'll definitely play a human ranger and thief on release, not really into the other races though I can imagine playing a Norn aswell.
can i come with you i dont have friends :()(
Of course, lets hit the clubs and get it poppin. :O)
Tho i am not a fan of clubs :(
dont has key but norn or charr would be my pick cuz they look badass as fuck
no way!
I was addicted to Guild Wars some years ago :P
gonna nerd all night longggg
sorry im playing LoL
image: will-farrell-Vomit

je me suis presque étouffer plz
c est gratuit la beta? sa dure cb de temps? jvais peut etre essayer

sinon LoL c'est fun 8)
c'est pas gratuit, ca dure 3 jours.
already have been 31 in last, probably not level that much this time, just play a bit. going to be erased afterwards anyway so i guess no pvp this time :)
gonna play sylvari ranger i guess
GW was amazing. Over the years I was creaming over having my hands on this faboulos looking game. Too bad now I'm less interested. Havent checked the beta nor followed the very latest updates. Will however buy it no matter what, even if it sits on my shelf for as long as it takes, it's going to be an astonishing game!
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