Aiaiay bandito!

I feel bad that i killed a mosquito eventho he stang his stengel in my arm and stabbed me and stole some of my blood. I think they are evolved Dracula's and as twilight fan i cannot let this happen anymore.

i feel like the rhythm of this beat now

Also how do i change the theme to xf2?
i have frog in aquarium, swim swim :)
much more interesting than ur main story tbh :DDd
Its a true story and they swim so happy around, i think ill give them a big worm for dinner and with this i dont mean my penis but some real worms they will eat.
Fixed, its some better for my eyes i dont have to look like a chinese anymore. But the font still looks a bit fucked up :(
random girl

image: tumblr_m5rt43Oryc1r2crwso1_500
nice photo man
thanks i tried a different pose with my head and avoid a donald duck face
hmmm lekker <3
eerlijk die bolletjes werden altijd insta plat gemaakt door boeken en dan had je een 0,5cm dik broodje
haha klopt, herinner k me ook nog
^^ :DDDDDdd
did you ever do a duckface?

can you tell me why wimin do this and think they look cute but instead they look kinda weird, only a few pull it off with looking good
i laugh about girls who do it actually. ive never do one :)

cause of the reason uve just named :D
cause others do it and they look "oke" with it? MaN i am always dissapointed if i like a girl and then we become facebook friends and she turns out to be a duckfacer :( i hate this world schnee i really do
"think they look cute but instead they look kinda weird"

this world is kinda hard isnt it?! :( pooor laureeeeeeeeeeeens
Yeess yesterday i fell on floor i nose auw :(((((((9 what can i do? it seems bodybuilding helped a lot of cf nerds but i have a big schlong so idont feel the need to do this to impress a wimin.
aiaiay cortex 91 les pyramides
yeeehaaww lets do some camming riding on a fake horse broomstick yipikayeh
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lol is 10 comments in 1 cooment muchos?
bre amsterdam
e bre, wanna go: i there c y a
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