what has happened

Hello "followers"

Its the first time I logged in again on crossfire within the last 12 months, instantly wondering about the new crossfire design. Looks like a standard page compared to the 3.0 version if you ask me!

Also noticed ET is back to 6v6 again :) "Like!"

What other bigger things I have missed apart from drunken englishmen on lans?
What competitions are running and will be run in the future? playing again might be an option to me =)

PS: Currently im trying to get ET working on my laptop. Formated Vista to w7. the drivers were installed automatically it seems. I installed ET, start it and no matter what settings I change, I have black borders around the normal frame, which should be scaled about the whole display.
If I change other settings like r_mode, displayrefresh etc it warns me ".. check com_crashed". Put it on "0", entered the settings and ET crashes: OpenGL crash
Any ideas? =/

seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
seta r_ati_truform_tess "0"
seta r_colorbits "16"
seta r_compressmodels "1"
seta r_depthbits "24"
seta r_drawsun "0"
seta r_detailtexture "0"
seta r_displayrefresh "60"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "0"
seta r_flares "0"
seta r_finish "0"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_drawfoliage "0"
seta r_gamma "3"
seta r_ignorehwgamma "1"
seta r_intensity "1.8"
seta r_lodbias "2"
seta r_mapoverbrightbits "3"
seta r_mode "4"
seta r_RoundImagesDown "5"
seta r_overbrightbits "0"
seta r_picmip "3"
seta r_fullbright "1"
seta r_fastsky "1"
seta r_stencilbits "8"
seta r_swapinterval "0"
seta r_texturebits "16"
seta r_simpleMipMaps "0"
seta r_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest"
seta r_uifullscreen "1"
seta r_vertexlight "1"
seta r_subdivisions "20"
seta r_lodCurveError "150"
seta r_primitives "0"
seta r_zfar "0"
seta r_znear "4"
seta r_showtris "0"
seta r_shownormals "0"
seta r_colormiplevels "0"
seta r_cacheshaders "0"

wrong settings imo post ur cfg settings so the community is able to help =)
by community you are refering to yourself ?
nope never talkng about myself
thanks for vulenteering us, the community :XD

maybe we dont want to help him?
fuck u cohen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we should share our experiences to this communitiy u r here as long as i am?! isnt it time to give smth back??!
hmm usually when you are long time in one place its you who get back :XD

lets ask them for new cars?
ill rent me this one next month for a weekend btw
image: Maserati_Tuning_Felgen
i bet you get it from your muscle boyfriend :AS:D
nope all by myself pls- i dont neeed a guy to get this
i was afraid of this day :(

my poor yerman saskia is all grown up
my fav caaaaaaaaaaaaaar <3
Yes you are :D
You should still install atleast your gfx drivers
I installed Catalyst Control center and ATI Tray Tool. Already limited the refreshrate to the displays native.
I am the lord of ET and CF :')
finally some good news :)
ET is dead, all good clans dead, no competition etc.
diversus: kot oic rio buzka Mrozu S4rna
devilry: dolar errol boski miks abject mag
WoW: Wrobel naga edain zMk templar Cursed wiesiek
tmoe: fanatic dialer fragstealer lesti Lukey czaro
colt45: Kamz lettu Kevin anim flopjehz sqzz
mPG: mind perfo baggiez nuggan razz squid meez
ovr: saken antho karnaj joshua zak lampje
jungle bros: abort zerender snoop olbaa sinnu matias

these teams are all playing on sunday pretty much within the same two hours, wonder how you can make a comment like that. x_) this many good teams during summer is actually an achievement.
Most of these teams are just mixes formed for just a one tournament, just wait for next EC and see if these teams are still kickin' and alive
if there's a BFB3, there'll be a tournament full of strong teams just like BFB2 (that ran right before EC). if you mean to say et will be dead, there will be no teams and there won't be competition after summer.. well who the fuck knows. so long as there are tournaments like BFB3/EVO challenge I can't think why there wouldn't be good teams. there's actually a higher likelihood of having good teams during the fall than summer anyway, you know it too. :D
Well you never know but seems like everyone who wants can get into EC, nobody is interested about it, one mix team rolling over everybody, huge amount of drop-outs and so on. Doesn't look like a good competition situation to me :S
"huge amount of dropouts"

Too much for EC, just shows that people don't have motivation to play this game anymore. The EC season could've been exciting with Queens but they dropped out and there was no competitor to mpg :(

EDIT: bf, queens, fin6
if you'd been around in the old days you'd also know some amazing teams dropped out of EC even in 2004. :) saying things like 'people don't have motivation to play this game anymore' may possibly apply to you, but don't speak for all players and especially don't try to point out stuff you don't know about. :D

queens dropped out because razz stabbed the team and wiaderko had to work nights for 3 weeks before the LAN, chry is a terrible leader and so butchji left because of the bullshit. fragstealer only really had ties to wiaderko and when he found out there was no chance of him coming back before LAN because of one of 3 employees in his department being fired he decided to leave the team too. xperia stayed, invited all new members (who already played in EC so couldn't play for Queens) so they dropped out.

fin6 dropped out because Matias had been playing the entire of 2012 on his friend's computer (matias PC = broken) whilst his friend was at university. when his friend came back home (june-time) Matias could no longer play ET from there and couldn't continue until Fall comes again. Jewe either already went to army or has left home or something = unable to play and that kinda fucked the team up as you'd be aware, Jewe and Matias were the most talkative/leading members of the team. they could have tried playing as a complete mix but twidi felt it was better just to drop and get it over with. (yes I spoke to him about this)

bF dropped out due to motivation but it's been the same story with them since sage in 2011, nothing new and in fact I just think they should've never signed up to EC in the first place.

so hopefully now I've fixed your view of 'dropouts etc no motivation for game etc.' if you think 2012 is the first time anyone's dropped out of a tournament I advise you travel back to some old tournaments where even teams like FF forfeited EC playoff games. :)
I think if the year would've been 2006 or so fin6 would've replaced these players and moved on, they were in play-offs. But I think it wasn't that big deal since EC is not so precious anymore than it was back in time. Could be that I am wrong but that how I see it.

I agree with bF, they shouldn't have signed-up for EC.

Also the level of the game has dropped, like I mentioned before you could form a team of random players and go for EC and win:S Even my team got into EC and had a fair chance to go for play-offs.
noted, next time when CB admins ask me who I feel deserves to be in EC I won't mention your team deserve to be in qualis (which I did, when I was asked for my opinion). it seems you've taken the opportunity you got and decided to lose motivation because of it. which in my opinion is fucking stupid. gods.inc made it to top3 in EC in 2005 and they had 4 of the 6 players as the previous OC premier winners of spring 2005. back then it was seen as normal and ok that skilled new players reach the top, but nowadays it's called ET being dead. nobody is happy unless their stars from 2007 are still playing in 2012, which in any other game would never happen (except for Quake, which is dying because of this).
From the teams available I think we deserved to be in EC, I don't say that. But I think back in the days we wouldn't have been in the same situation.

I don't think that new players that are reaching the top are as skilled. I still think that if you form a new team of highskillers from 2008 or so and give them a little practice they will beat the 'new stars'. For example Anexis, whenever there is some tournament they just prac a while and they seem to win the tournament. Some teams might put some challenge but not a serious one. They just appear for a moment to win the tournament and go in active again.
QuoteFrom the teams available I think we deserved to be in EC, I don't say that. But I think back in the days we wouldn't have been in the same situation.

so what would you say about masculine mans going from 2nd div OC 6v6 in 2008 fall to winning EC 3x in a row after that? facing teams like H2k, BBashers, mamut and Impact.

in fact, this next line has been proven wrong by teams like masculine back when everyone expected every 2k6 comeback team to dominate ET: "I don't think that new players that are reaching the top are as skilled. I still think that if you form a new team of highskillers from 2008"

I could write you a list of breakthrough players who were never at the top before 2010 who shit all over those old players and teams. :) obviously Anexis are the best but they are not unbeatable (as seen by Queens raping them in BFB WB final, Anexis had been praccing for weeks, the same practime as Queens had but they got assfucked that match).

they replied in the grand final by shitting all over queens _COMPLETELY_ but it shows that they're not unbeatable. even atoon went 2-2 in our only prac vs them, pretty much proved that they relied on their raw talent to win and it proved to not work. they needed to work hard to stay at the top this season (if they hadn't pracced so much for the LAN fin6 could have even beat them, because they won like every prac before the BFB grand final vs them).

as I said, do you think in 2005, of all the amazing players and teams, lettu nonix chmpp kmble mulsu and future were the 3rd best team? no. this just shows that EC doesn't specifically describe the state of ET. amazing players are still here, they just need people other than mind to lead the teams.
Quotethey replied in the grand final by shitting all over queens _COMPLETELY_ but it shows that they're not unbeatable.

Yeah, with bit of prac they pretty easily win these 'new stars'. As long as they prac nobody wins them, at least for now. Maybe if some of these mix teams goes serious (like mpg) praccing every week with same line-up couple of times. Now it is just one team dominating EC with just high skilled players gathered. We could gather more of these teams but they just seem to fold (like we saw last EC).
QuoteYeah, with bit of prac they pretty easily win these 'new stars'. As long as they prac nobody wins them, at least for now.

oh come on it's like you didn't read anything I wrote. :P Anexis WERE praccing since the beginning of BFB2 or even a week before, the same as Queens yet they were still being beaten, I won't go harsh on you or anything for not knowing this stuff because you don't really know any of the players but if you truly want to know why Queens/WinFakt got raped in the final vs Anexis you should query Felix about it to be completely clear. he'll explain that since the first minute of the match one of the players was flaming every member of the team for the entirety of the grand final and caused there to be absolutely no teamplay nor teamwork, he then left the team that same night but without telling anyone, just pretending to be busy for that whole week (2 weeks before LAN).

and if you think this stuff only occurs in 2012, I can get Sheep to confirm to you that this same player caused the same problem to his team in 2007 2 weeks before CPC2.
After thinking about the thing what you say is true.
But I still think ET is missing something, like dedicated teams who would go on to the top and challenge everyone.
Now looking on to the EVO cup I see many good teams there but I am really unsure how much they prac and I think they will part after the tournament.
It just feels so empty when teams are formed to compete in just one competition and then after they have finished it they will just fade away. And to be honest when looking at the teams in that cup Junglebrothers and colt45 were formed for that tournament, like I said, they gathered
'high' skilled players and I think that they will finish pretty high (top 3, at least JB) just by doing this, gathering high skilled players.
The teams like overload or bv might challange them but I don't think it is not enough.

From my point of view we need couple of dedicated teams who would stick together not changing players all the time and praccing to gain a high position in EuroCups and so on. Team who could challenge current dominators (Anexis and mPG + newly formed clans).
We had Masculine mans rising back in 2008 with hard praccing and so on, we need teams like that today, too. I personally don't like these 'one tournament' teams.
QuoteI personally don't like these 'one tournament' teams.

this is what happens when you let players like miNd run a top team =) all he does is try his hardest to pretend he doesn't take ET seriously. take x great players into team, don't prac, play with mix for offi, fuck yeah feel awesome about 'not caring'. :D

but what you said originally:

QuoteJunglebrothers and colt45 were formed for that tournament

this is wrong ;P I was speaking to dialer for ~2 months about making a H2k comeback for fall 2012. he said everyone is ready except for butchji atm who doesn't seem to have time. they'll be here til the Fall too. I was speaking to Kamz about bringing colt45 back too since May or so when he said he would soon return from university. ;)
Hope this will happen. ET definitely needs more stable top teams.
the fall will definitely look better, can actually promise that. but people are going to need to accept sooner or later that their 2006-2007 stars are getting old and new stars are gonna need to take over.. otherwise ET will die. ET will be killed by nothing more than people not accepting new names.
I wouldn't say 2006-2007 but like 2009-2011.
name me some top players from 2009-2011 who aren't playing in teams already? :P
Well for example couple of bF players like undead etc. And if they are in team the teams are not serious :S
bF guys are.. something ET doesn't need. they did what most top clans did, they started lower, made it further and further, only when they reached the top they decided to play LoL together instead of ET.

I honestly used to like them as a team but there's no way they can play together in ET anymore, it's like the winfakt/alnc guys, they became such good friends that they end up playing other games together for 90% of the time instead of playing ET.
nothing wrong with that right?

I still play with people I did 8 years ago, I'm pretty sure if I just played ET with them I wouldn't even talk with them anymore.

+ you can't blame bf because they reached "top level of ET" and then wanted to play another game. Some people like to challenges themselves on other games too
no but bF guys for example blame ET for the state it's in while they are part of the problem. :) they're the first team to dropout from EC and then blamed ET afterwards.

remember when atoon were first praccing for bfb and how easy we could find pracs for those first 2 weeks or w/e? then we even played vs bF like 4 maps (beat them) and then they claim et is boring and there are no teams to play against. :D

teams like bF are not needed, go inactive for personal/motivational reasons and give other bullshit reasons for their quitting.

but yeah what I meant about friends playing all games together is that when e.g. alnc guys played together in et they focused more on other games than ET, but when separated they are much more active with other teams (wiaderko with queens, dialer with tmoe and baggiez/perfo with mpg etc). I do the same thing with guys in almighty when we're all there, we play games we all bought on Steam instead of an ET mix though I much prefer playing ET.
soz but tl;dr

i miss you mate, how you doing?
im aight, staying with my gf at her dads house for the whole of July and she'll stay at my house with me in august, then back to nerding! 8)

how you doiN?!
im fine thanks mate, going to work again soon so no more nerding etc :(

enjoy your time!
no more nerding.. for now! :D
why not? (last part) :D
Quotegods.inc made it to top3 in EC in 2005 and they had 4 of the 6 players as the previous OC premier winners of spring 2005.

I literally meant on paper, that you weren't some legendary team (or lineup). :P
I dont think you should state diversus there :P
Could be wrong, haven't touched ET in ages, but I had similar problems with my newscreen when I played my last few OC/EC games. But right before I quit, I figured out the problem.

Atleast for me it was the setting of my screen. So my advice is to check the maximum r_displayrefresh of the resolution you want to use. This should work fine with the optimal resolutions for your screen. If you are using a less obvious resolution, check the settings on your monitor. My screen adapts to the resolution if I put it to "Wide".

Never got the OpenGL error though, but it couldn't hurt to check! Good luck :)

EDIT: download most recent drivers aswell? :o
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