Happy birthday, account!

My account here just turned 7. Having a big party in the journals section tonight, bring your Punkbuster bans and your Crossfire buddies!
6 years, 5 months and 10 days

almost there, closing in on a decade, wow
Gratz :P

6 years, 11 months and 11 days :<
5 years 10 months 21 days = 2 151.57949 days

Yours, 7 years = 2 556.69539 days
Quote7 years, 12 months and 1 day

Because "8 years, 1 day" is too mainstream.
Mine said that as well. Seems it was programmed so that one month equals 30 days, meaning your 8th account birthday is still some days away!
newschool fag !
you are still there? Thought for years you were inactive.

Hb though :D
he was back a few months/almost a year ago :o
mine should be close to 7, fuck you cf admins for hacking my account.

image: 89212-jamerio-loves-life
spammer :)

oldschool! ;)
7 years, 2 months and 13 days
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