Jahovas Witness.....

Does anyone else ever get these people coming to there doors and try to get you to convert?
At 5 am!
Like what the shit is that crap all about......
haha yeah Canada tazyaa, they are crazy
haha yeah Canada tazyaa, they are crazy
Well, according to their prophecies the Armageddon has been "imminent" for a few decades now. Maybe you should listen to them, this sounds important.
Yes, but not at 5am, Canada tazyaa
dont be jelly hater mang, dey just passionated bout there religion, so just let dem do there thang
i met a jehova's witness in a bus, he was carrying a shopping bag full of beer.
asked him that don't you guys have zero tolerance?
he replied that only the best 200,000 get in to heaven so he might as well have some fun before going to hell

nice chap
lmao, hats the best thing ive ever heard. hah.
at least he is enjoy his life
who gave him that estiamte? the imaginary man in the sky?
well he said something like under 200,000. just googled it and apparently they have some weird fetish about 144,000. But don't know, someone probably had a hallucination like a fucking million years ago and come up with shit like that.
ancient people telling modern people how to run thier lives, :dDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
at fucking 5am in the morning???! :O
they come every week. i always say that im an atheist and they go away. fuck them.
I had one come to my door once and I took the convo over talking about the weather and what I should wear the next day ect and if I should take a rain mac. It's what I tend to do with tele sales aswell as I get sick and tierd of them calling me. They get the hint when I leave it on lour speaker and talk about absolute shite.
In Finland you can have your number private so they can't call you to sell shit, had mine made private a couple of years ago - never had a call since.

and you can always not answer your door.

but ye I guess that's works as well
Yeah same, altough they dont come 5 A.M at least.. I guess people would get pretty mad about it if they did. They haven't been at our house for a long time tbh, but I got a friend that lives in his apartment and he is as non-religion as you can ever be ! Then he was going to the shower or something, and then he smashed his foot into the table or smt, and then he yelled "OMFG SATAN !" and then it knocked on the door in the same second, and it was a Jehova witness which was pretty scared about the fact that he yelled satan :D
lmfao, great timing right, haha.
freaking tho lol
One of my rl mates parent belong to that club

back when I was in elementary he wasn't allowed to go on birthdays n shit.. fucking sucks. His dad is pretty alright tho
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