Bigger cups

So I'm thinking of this idea and I'm quite sure it will fail but let me talk about it anyway. The main idea is about giving money to host bigger cups. The last BFB was an amazing tournament and had top notch teams participating. The final had over a viewerpeak of over 800. The main reason would probably be because of the prizes that were being offered. So if we are willing to give more prizes, more top teams will play and try to claim those prizes.

Now to offer these prizes comes in the donation system. All members try to give as much as they want. I'm quite sure at the end it could be quite a large amount. Players gave money to Sinnus and Yench for LAN within a day so they could go to LAN. I think when crossfire attended LAN at quakecon the community also gave some money. Think we should give it a shot.
pay to play is better imo
How much do you think it would cost for a player?
dunno really, I think sponsorships are preferable because ppl aren't really willing to pay knowing they won't win.
Make it with _money_ prizes. I think people can't be arsed to play if there is product prizes since they already got good mouse/headset etc.
Yeah but the question is would people donate money?
I think people won't donate that much money but I might be wrong. Maybe we can get luckily like 500 euros or something, then there would be voice/server prizes or something like that for 2nd and 3rd place?
Yeah 500 euro sounds like a decent goal to reach. Maybe the people who donate also get a award on their profile, and there is a goal line on the side that shows what we are up to and how much more we need and the people who donated.
I would donate money, great idea imo
i give you my paypal in pm

lets raise money and pretend we're doing good, great idea!
where the fuck did u get that from
its for fucking tournaments..
2 girls 1 cup xDDDDD
I seriously would never give any cent to any of the top players here.
image: big_cup

^ 1 drink per person
op pulderbos kermis is dees realiteit ze, volgende maand ist weer zover.
Add a chipin widget on the website?
According to the title, the aim is to have bigger cups.
From what I understand "bigger" here means more teams and more viewers.

The idea behind this is that top teams will be eager to content for money prizes and therefor will sign up for cups that offer these. As a result a cup as such should have more top teams, more exciting games thus more viewers. All of this as a result of a community fund raising providing the required prize money.

In essence, what we're talking about here is, paying other people to play your game.
A concept that isn't strange if you would compare it to buying a ticket to go see a football match.
However what is happening here is, that you'll be paying money to keep a game alive.
And that is where I think your idea is flawed.

What many people of you want is a return of the golden days (whether that was 2004-2006 or 2007-2009, you name it - that doesn't matter). A thing that can only be accomplished by having a large(r) active playerbase. Not before that is achieved will money be a good benefactor to the game.

What you see now with many cups already is that teams form shortly before and desolve straight after a cup.
An occurance that in no way helps the longevity of the game. It provides little to hold on for players, spectators, organisers and potential sponsors. The first goal before deciding to start community funded cups should be to make the game more active again.
And I know this all probably sounds like me preaching to the choir but that does not mean you should lose that focus!
Once you achieve that you can shift your focus to getting (a lot of) good teams fighting eachother in cups.
Lucky for you a lot of old/good players are still around due to their love for this game and community. So no need to worry about them leaving the game because there is little to no prize money involved.
And on that same note, this game and community has managed to produce good teams and players for years now. Making it bigger again will only the increase that.

So instead of asking people to give money, the question should be: What can we do to attract people back to ET?
There is no simple answer to that because there are a variety of factors that are of direct influence to the appeal (or lack there of) of this game.

Personally I'd start with creating a big 'DOWNLOAD ET HERE" button on this website since it's the main hub for the competitive side of this game (with an ever up to date ET Pack)!
Next I'd focus on regular activity. With leagues providing more regularity than cups due to there not being a knock-out phase.

But I assume all of you have ideas of what could help this game. So pen them down and pick out the best and try it out!

voice (a rtcw player who thinks et sucks ^_^).
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