24" 16:9 , which resolution?

Hey guys & girls,

which resolution is good for a 24" 16:9 display?

can I play with 1920x1080 or are there any hitbox bugs?

Thanks in advance.
native if 120hz is an option.

hitbox bugs? dafuq?
Love my old 24" flat with 1920x1200, rarely see those these days with all that 1080p hype going on. The extra 120px vertically really makes them worth looking for.

Had no problem in ET with it, couldn't hit a shit so nothing changed from the old resolutions.
1920x1080 here 60 hz works fine :P

http://www.eizo.com/global/products/foris/fs2333/index.html Next screen im gonna buy.
Looks awesome. I'm curious how much will it cost.
around 300euro i think
800x600 still works like a charm D:
u serious, playing with this resolution?
Yep, basically tried everything (playing with 24" + 120hz aswell) and r_mode 4 (800x600) is just the best for ET. Other games such as CoD4 and QL (and some MMORPG games) I play with native (1920x1080) which works great ofcourse.

Allthough my screen only goes to 75hz, better than 60 but still feels like it cuts my reaction time in half somehow. Damn you ;)
cAUsE thE tHIng u R foRgETtinG IS To ADjuST de FOV since quake 3 engine does not do that for you
iTs NoT tHe SaMe ThOuGh, It PlAyS aNd LoOkS cOmPlEtLy DiFfErEnT
i always thought the same, till i actually got some good website and this changed a lot of that weird strange mouse feeling you get on a widescreen, at least for me and for others that i told them about. So i dunno if you really tried it or just being ignorant but i hoped to be right with my comment and help people out cause they always forget about the fov change with different ratio aspects
you got a link?
Couldnt find the site anymore :( i think urtier gave me this website gotta pm him
I thought urtier also played with 90 fov and black borders though? I know atleast reload and night did on LAN.
Just google widescreen fov calculator, any of those will do the trick!
I know what you mean though : http://www.wsgf.org/fovcalc.php
that one or something similar? :)

I tried it aswell, changed my fov to 105 as prescribed, still looked like a higher fov. Strecthed out etc. Only 90fov didnt feel strecthed out, but just really zoomed in.

Maybe it's just me but with 90 fov I feel like everything is scaled correctly, somehow my movement and aim seem out of sync with a higher fov. Great for tracking, but I like 90 fov so much more for strafe duels.

Might be different if you change from e.g 100 fov to 110 I guess, because 100 fov already has that different feel compared to 90.
In the end the game was made for CRT'S and not the widescreens indeed, i used something like that but the outcome on this website is different than what i had. Went from 95 fov to something like ~110 and i cant really say its like the mode 6/8 but it did make everything look more normal and the mouse movement and the visual movement also felt more normal instead of that weird spacy thing i had with 90fov on the new resoluton (i went from r_mode 6 to 1920x1080) So i cant really say 100% that it fixed it but it did help me a lot.
Ye I admit, if there is a setting I would play with besides the one with black borders, it would probably be the one suggested by that website. Without increasing the fov on a widescreen resolution it felt like there was a magnifying glass attached to my gun :D

I guess if I was still playing with 100 fov that might be a better idea, I just switched to 90 because it feels way more natural to me and only r_mode 4, 6 or 8 are playable with that fov imo.
So what to say to the journal creator? Increase the fov a bit if he wants to keep playing on the widescreen and if he cant get used to it play in a box with the old resolution settings?
Yes, let's tell him that after intense deliberation we decided that he should either play with his original resolution and fov if he doesn't mind the black borders OR he should use one of the fov calculators to find his new fov.

Will you do the honors? You're more of a peoples person.
he should read the comments in the journal!
bad service man, really bad service
but i am lazy :(((
fair enough :)
Got the same sized screen. I couldn't hit anything with the native resolution. Recently started playing ET again, but this time with r_mode 6 and massive black borders. Weird at first, but 10x as smooth. Also now I can play with 75hz instead of 60hz.

Just like xPERiA said, imo r_mode 4 and 6 are the best for ET. Anything else feels like my crosshair is moving through jell-o :p

I'd say make sure you are playing at the max displayrefresh. Really makes a big difference, I miss my old 120hz CRT screen when I play fps games. Besides that, I would suggest r_mode 6 ,4 or 8. But I guess that might be a bit personal preference, I don't know the specifics.
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