Linux desktop

how does urs look like?
forever superhax linux
image: VW7i
Who the hell watches desktop?

Current view.

image: desktop
General Desktop
image: Screenshot_from_2012-07-23_234733

Desktop Overview
image: Screenshot_from_2012-07-23_234410

Edit: Why are you abusing my imageshack?
hacking ur images
I don't use linux, i use google chrome
I don't use linux, i use mozilla firefox
I don't use linux, i use google chrome and mozilla firefox for the porn
i use linux, i like bAngas comment
how did you get that theme? :o
its not a theme its multiple windows next to eachother :P
so why it look so fancy :<
it's not theme :P
or kinda is :>
stumpwm + urxvt patched with 256 colors, modified dircolor, customized zsh, modified vim theme
stumpwm is also modified :p
Do you know 'sl' (in apt as sl) ?? It's made because of people mis-typing 'ls', gives you some old train that marches thru your window, wonder how that looks on your setup :D
does the same for everybody. it will just run the train over 1 terminal :P
just simple :)
image: 2wn5m48
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