crossfire 4.what

image: Quaestio
cant find the flag page and i dont know why it doesnt really matter how hard i try.

cant select my flag in the edit profile sector so now i am from afghanistan.

Yes i saw that too grammar hoer.

We actually have a "Wall" if ya didnt know, not a guestbook or buddy-notes-list but a wall! no need for facebook anymore.

Cant delete things from your inbox it only says that its marked as being red.

it all could be my own fault but just in case i will make a journal.

also this journal could be created with those handy tools like this
  1. i dont know what im doing
  2. hello

shopping list
  • buy post it's
  • buy pen
  • learn to write so i can read it back myself book vol. 1
  • write down what i need to buy from the supermarket
  • go back to the supermarket
  • check the list and put it in the basket
  • pay and go home
  • feast on the things that you can eat

but that just would not be a journal, tho its like i dont need to do any effort at all!
i need a new one

one from wood

So whats up with all these things and other minor bugs? Did no one from the beta tester tried to delete a message or am i the only one with this/these problem/s and am i making a fool out of myself what you prolly think i am already doing but that is no biggie, i would

I forgot what i wanted to write cause i heard a crow cya

You are here cause you didnt care about the content and wanted a nice piece of a lady. But the problem here is that most people on CF seem to be in slutty girls and say Owhh thats hot and the only thing that goes to my mind is wtf is wrong with the people mann of course i like a slutty girl too once in a while but man, you gotta learn the difference between a posing girl showing a half naked body full with either makeup or photoshopup and a real beautiful one.

So i cant post a picture of a girl here, i could but i wanna statisfy everyone here and not just the single guy over in germany. Later on the day i will make a How to guide to not be misled by nice boobies.
I may sound like i know it all here and of course i dont but i think i got some pretty good mental processes that can seem a bit odd but thats just because of the way i bring them. i hope i can save some people out of the fire with this problem of a real Attractive girl or a girl being attractive for other reasons than things that have to do with beauty.

So Stay aware for my; How to know if a girl is attractive, or not guide. coming up later today!
hopefully it doesnt take them a year to fix the thousand bugs there are :L

+1 for having avatars, can't find much more positive atm
i like how its more compact in some ways, like the search thingy is easy to access, adding content is way more easy you dont really need to know the bb tags you just gotta press a button, the profile seems a bit messy i dont really see thy why how that was ordered and we are forgetting the reply box coming up to the comment you wanna reply too since i most of the times forget thingys and now i dont need to scroll all the way up for it ^_^_^_^_^ many good things but simple bugs left, at least simple to the eye.
popular cloud is buggy or simply gone, hard to use atleast, and the search box looks like random ad atm, yeah and every single profile is messed up 8D afaik some people used quite some effort doing their profiles, must be lovely to re-do them and bang they change something again. design obviously is more up to date
As you said, lets hope they fix it cause a dying community cant really use something like this.
BB codes had to be made more strict. We'll look into getting the profiles better again, but no promises!
Search will be replaced by solr :)
Updates every day btw, so not gonna take years!
anything about what i actually noted in the journal or your gonna be that kinda guy? without my flag im like superman without cape
I thought you meant other flags (
You can switch to flags instead of avatars here:
BUT! You can only show your countryflag.
So what you should do is make your avatar (or profile picture) in Loekino colors.
But the damn flag is still on other profiles, it happened when i tried to edit my profile. And to make it my avatar wouldnt really work either cause other people most likely have the flags and not the avatars shown.

and yes this is about country flags and not status flags, dunno who came up with that word for that but aint really convenient
Show me someone who actually lives in the Loekino love island then
oh yesj website crossfire so serious so noj imaginary countries allowed no. i forgot how useless you were as an admin, maybe i should stop smoking.
Suit yourself.
wawiwatiiwatiawtwait i forgot. This is CF 4 dot zero. Professional only. like this community really is. sorry i will ask a real admin now :P
^^ are u mad laurens???

and ye i agreee on th wonderland part.. they removed our dreams the islands which were full of beautiness and crazyness now go to argentinia or canada. hell yeah :(
I dunno.. custom flags made crossfire crossfire, like other things and now it seems like they just follow the mass and be "one of those" websites out there. The only real useful change i found till now is the one to add content in a more easy way.

We'll add it, why wouldn't we?

Just give us some time to get the most urgent bugs fixed man...
so you could just post this alllll along but instead you continued being a peon and making your own life harder(cause the paintrain is coming) because of these kind of things what imo is totally unnecessary for an admin. Especially with the "professional" status crossfire is trying to achieve.
Whatever you want dude.
You can avoid it like that and i know i am mostly not serious but you know its true.
thumbs up then =)
I dont know if its just me but I only see half of people's avatars in journals etc. I mean only half of the picture
Good story.
Quotebonus content random chick

did i bust you?
awwww nice words at the random chick laurens :)
thanks! cf 4.0 no more custom flags :<?
i dunno i rly dunno. spam irc cf channel
banned by baggiez :s
:DDDdd and krosan wasnt help either i seee.... :/
poor baggiez.. and krosan well that i already expected. dont wanna be bothering tosspot again about these silly things but seems like i have too.
would be coool to have a general site with all bugs listed
ofc added by the admins but wmentioned before by users. and keeep this updated what they gonna change or what will stay as it is.. so i dont need to rage about things they maybe dont change but can look forward about things they will change :)
so the admins could simly set up a bug tracker like mantis, trac and so on ;)
but then you gotta talk with krosan.. you know that guy with the great idea of making ET 5on5 and come up with that silly ET committee if you remember? also very professional admin on this website.
How about you stop bitching.
i never stop bitching if its justified. stop acting like the cool kid on the block. your just a nerdy admin that tries hard to convince us all that he has a life 00334455 dont let me do a breakdown of that part
It's set up but not public (yet).
I see now, Krosan and skooli where the captains on the ship with the making of cf 4.0. So good bye to my flag i guess : /

Yeah he claims to be updating everyday but i dont see no changelog anywhere but maybe this will come later.
Such a site will be made public soon, after the first badge of bugs have been fixed.
best random chick ever!
true about randomchick
activity tab doesn't work for me x(
poor levin :(

i miss the recent comments box too
Will be added later too.
why release this if some main functions aint even done yet? at least call it open-beta so you wont get the whine from people like me who dont read shit and think hello cf 4.0 is released and then wtf is thizz so many things not working or gotta be added. so no i wont stop bitching on people like you. I would actually prefer a baby with frop than with you cause he doesnt try to be funny but keeps it real. he is funny cause he is he tho
da fuq i just read
a journal on crossfire written by loekino
I love you.
love you too nicon
Hey I was wondering what colour pen you brought and the post it notes, where they sticky?
hey fumble, why write when i can show you? wait a few moments
didn't understand shit but you cant get used to cf 4.0 (nor can i ,but will try)

and i totally agree with you regarding chicks :)
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