
With the positing of the lineup of PDEG, I have realised that this doesn't come up on the main page for me. Same as the other news such as dreamhack etc

Why not?
It's similar to "main news" and "other news".
In my opinion you (the admins) should major the other games news as well.
So far I've only seen ET-related stuff on the main page while other content was main news worthy for sure
I don't think we should have a distinction between Main and Other news at all. There should be other ways to prioritise certain "important" news items with stickies, filtering and maybe some new option I didn't think of yet.
main point of filters indeed, but what if the user is intrested in everything ? Becomes a mess quite fast
Then they read everything. Information exchange is fast and furious nowadays and whereas people used to have a limited amount of time at home to read up on stuff, now they just browse their damn smartphone all day long. I think we should/could use our pretty nifty notification system to alert people about new content that tickles their fancy (keywords or something like that).
ah yeah notifications sound like a good way to underline something more important :]
Implying there are 15 newsitems a day.. :P
Totally agree with you; didn't think further than what CF3/4 proposed but you are completely right.
Admins should simply be more "severe" when accepting newsitems
Nah, more decent content is better. We just need a way to push content to users which is relevant to their interests.
Some notification saying
"X posted a newsitem about Starcraft/eSports/ET,.." and as a poster you should use the according tags (like the usertags at the moment, admins should control those)
Would be good enough wouldn't it?
It's not seen on my page at all.

image: bje8n9

This PDEG post is no where to be seen.
Click on "News" in the menu and then "Other News". I agree visibility is lacking.
I did. It still isn't there!

This is 'Other News':
image: 2e52yrl

This is 'Main News':
image: 2d7y9z6

Infact - Out of the News on the side bar, there is only the newspost of Baggiez and the LAN groups that I can see in main news. None of the below in the other news.

Cracow Gamespot LAN Groups! Robert 20
ESL Summer Signups - 58h left! Sn4kE. 4
Dreamhack brings you Counterstrike... Rickk 15
LighT eSports losing a Zerg Rickk 5
This Week in Gaming - July 23rd Baggiez 29
Because it's pushed down at the "News" box on the right. Much news created over the past days!
Check my comment above.
Scroll down in 'other news' (stickies are on top).
not very visible tbh :p
news relevent to Crossfire or ET such as the PDEG post, ESL summer series and Baggiez weekly gaming update should always be majored whereas I think the newsposts about random lineup changes of players in CS etc should stick to other news.. maybe LAN announcements should be on the mainpage even if they're not related to ET because most of CF play other games (too).

Coverage on other games will definitely bring more traffic, great move I think, I too read those but my main interests are with stuff that happens in this very community and not on
Keep in mind they made CF4 hoping for more traffic/newcomers
So if someone comes randomly on Crossfire, and sees newsposts about some random game from 2003 he will not click much more, in my opinion mainstream games (read StarCraft II, Shootmania, League of Legends) should be majored if the content is any worthy
maybe so but cf should still be mainly an rtcw/et site imo
Yes and no. We need to cover as much games as we can muster as this will inevitably lead to new users giving ET a try.
let us hope :)
keep in mind that no one wants new cancerous members from cancerous games.. I do not see how new users from other games than et would be any beneficial for this page, niggu
Not sure if idiot or trying to act cool
Not sure if missing the point or just black
Oh racist comments will surely help us.
Another one bites the dust was fun while it lasted goku
Haha idiot :)
image: 8HmK0

Im done here
Rofl wtf :D
ET should be the main news, i dont care about any other games
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