
Hey crossies,

since it is very likely that I'll have to move out from home soon due to university, I'm searching for a decent notebook.
I'm not sure if I'll take my PC with me when moving out, so I need a laptop on which I can game (from ET to Crysis/BF3) and which doesnt look like shit.

I already checked out the following notebooks:

  • Alienware M15x/M17x
  • MSI GT60/GT70
  • Origin Notebook (17")
  • Razer Blade
  • (Dell XPS15)

As you can see, I checked out the "big" names with gaming design and shizzle.


  • i5 or i7 CPU (maybe even AMD, dunno if they are any good)
  • 15" or 17" screen, LED if possible, 3D not really needed)
  • Good mobile GPU (Nvidia GTX 660M or better)
  • SSD-Harddrive (small one to run windows)
  • Blue-Ray player
  • DVI and HDMI
  • Nice design
  • Prize: 800-1700€ (depends on what I can get for a reasonable prize)

If anyone of you knows any good notebooks, brands or websites feel free to comment!

image: rewalls-com-27801
just type that into a website man, you will find enough
I will do that sometime soon, its just that I dont really have the time to browse websites and search for notebooks, check the pictures, check the specs, check the shipping.
Thats why I created that journal, to ask people who might have experience or know some good brands/models.

or generally clevo laptops
Looks quite nice but I can get Alienware/Origin for the same price, why chose them if the Alienware design is awesome?
Also, european sites/companies>US
I dont think that there is any alienware setup with the same specs as a clevo for the same price.

Besides that I think the alienware design is shit :P I want something that looks more "serious" so I can use it at work.

dunno about price and so on :{D
Never been there, never heard of it.

Its "to far" off the center for me, mainly going to the Königsstraße and the Theodor-Heuss.
it's not that far from King's street ya know and it's a really nice place. I recommend it to ya! GO THERE!
it's not that far from King's street ya know and it's a really nice place. I recommend it to ya! GO THERE!
razer blade is for nerds.
alienware is for stupid footbalers, who want brand only and pay much money.
have a look at Asus.

i found 2 who are likely to fit ur requirments :


and this one , which is very impressive as design only 3mm in front and 9mm in the back , but if u want pure performance go for the first one.

Alienware doesnt only stand for an expensive brand but also for great quality.
(and I like the design)

the notebooks you recomended are nice, even tho Asus is know for bad quality and even worse service.
great quality ? the only thing Alienware is so expensive it's because it has that driver/program to setup ur lights on the keyboard -.- just like the cases. Alienware is at least twice expensive than a normal laptop with same configuration. as u said alienware is expensive just for its design, not for the performance.

and yet didnt hear anything bad about Asus... :D but can't say i heard anything good tho..
I got an Alienware desktop, never had ANY problems.
Its been to shitloads of LANs and gone through other shit (kicks and whatelse), not a single problem.

After checking some notebooks now, I realized that most of the "gaming notebooks" are at about the same price, doesnt matter if Alienware, Acer, Asus, Origin or Schenker.
well, now i feel somehow bad, but yea thats my opinion :D , but if i had the money i would have gone for an Alienware too :D

didn't say alienware has any problems , but its more expensive than other brands just for its design. i might look like a totaly hater, cos i dont own one . but as i said most of the people owning an alienware desktop just go for its brand :D.

laptops are all good, its ur call :)
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