Win an iPad 3!

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Hi Guys,

A small competition my company and I are running up until the launch date, thought some of you may be interested in winning. Please can I stress everybody to like us @ and also check out - got Boris Johnson on there! :)

If you do me this small favour, I may attend the next LAN and record some more cool videos for the community and buy everyone a drink in return.

Cheers Guys!
How will you randomly select people that receive an iPad? Put all of the likers names in a big bowl and pick 5 out?
pretty much!
Oki, liked and shared btw. Good luck with the company :)
Thanks a lot man!

Goodluck with it!
Cheers mate
Boris Johnson was a cool guy when he was visiting Top Gear.
yeah hes not a bad guy lol
So you have to like and share it on your wall to enter the comp?
Keep it up son. Next time I am around london I will give you a shout a few days in advance, need a drink + catch up. Catch you soon
I clicked like when you first posted about your company (like a year ago?).
Cant share it tho, I'm working closely with a job agency - they wouldnt like me sharing stuff from other companies, even tho they are german and you are UK-based.
QuoteI may attend the next LAN and record some more cool videos

please don't
gl mate

would've been nice to meet you at aem, shame that you didn't make it.
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