Pulsating favicon anyone?

I liked this idea from the beginning: Have the favicon hint you about new notifications.

This is quite a subtle effect but it should be enough to notice it. It only starts a couple of seconds after the page load, so when youre browsing around (seeing notifications anyway) it won't start pulsating immediately.

image: favicon image: favicon_notification
Thanks to J for the gfx
Just brilliant, 5/5
to my chrome it just turns grey instead of animation :o
Working fine in firefox

but even if its just grey its hint enough :p
I love you BUT I like the normal one more then the new one I'm sorry Sir!
Some people might find it useful. I know I won't.
using safari, will never see it :O!
reply plz :)
reply back!
thanks but doesn't work :-(
mh using opera cant see anything "pulsing" ;(
it was only grey for me
Barely noticeable for me, but my brightness and contrast are rather low for diminished eyestrain
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