New k-pop hitttt!

Our beloved people from the beautiful country of South Korea bring us a new hit! This one is one a complete new level!

image: tumblr_m7e4004LZg1qgi3bv

Enjoy your dayyyyyyyyy, and good luck to #devastation bros on lan >:)
Definitely new and not posted 100 times on crossfire and other websites. Additionally this is definitely picked by media.
Haven't seen a comment like this before on crossfire, thanks for posting.

fuck off
Thank you sir:)
Already heard from my brother room..
disliked yt video + blacklisted link so i never gotta hear that shit again
wel tijd om te fb'en/cf'en maar niet om te whatsappen

ignored worden is een van de pijnlijkste dingen
Maar jammer genoeg een vaak voorkomend iets bij Lars.
haha ik ga niet eens luisteren GGGGGGGGGGGG
South Korean Starcrafters win more than he ever will
Please tell me that's not Andy-oppa, and why did they put Hyuna here... ;_;

Okay but seriously.

image: kaichou-wa-maid-sama-ep-25-5
Don't tell me you don't like Gangnam Style.

image: 767044

Also, Christopher Nolan makes Adam West so obsolete.
kpop is shit
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