exile @ lan

Already in cracow with 4 of 6 exile players! : o
sonNy marvolo saddam and eonian already played some fun 3o3 games against devastation guys! cheers tomoyo and domi! :D they had some random guy with them and we played one map and we owned them so np for exile during entire lan

will post some pics and videos from eonians phone soon, cu tomorrow

stay tuned for stream & gttv

going to get piwo.et aka beer.et

CU! :>
idziemy sie schlac jak dzikie swinie elo
make pic of drunk domi :))))
maybe tmrw they went to cinema or smthn :P we have to go out from lan centere before 20cet so cu :D
Ah okay! Have fun btw :)
Ask chikita, she got some >D
budze was w tym akademiku jutro o 7 rano chuje :D

tez sie ide schlac. elo
nerds polish fucks at lan go shoot yourself in da head
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