summah weekend

hello pussy lovers

been busy these past few weeks so I kinda neglected my regular crossfire commenting, journal making and ofc u awesome and cool community members. also, I'm sure you missed me like a blister on your toe :))

anyways been working almost whole july, although not sure why coz I spent all my money on partying. last week managed to go to the sea side for 5 days, which was great. lovely 5 days. noticed that czech bitches are amazing (with what are u guys feeding ur women? :))

managed to get beaten up by 4 guys. face, teeth it's all good (thank god). although my face was swollen a bit, got scratches and bruises all over my body, also got a knee at my left ribs, which was really fucked up. managed to punch two of them a few times :)

this weekend I'm on holidays. woke up an hour ago with a bad hangover (my friend celebrated his bday last night). now off to pub for my "morning coffee".

finally the point of this journal (as it is in all of my journals) is to see what are u guys up to tonight?

myself, going out for a drink with my bro and my friend. after that who knows :)

and for last, some nice croatian ladies:

image: 2ex3c6b

image: 2ljqkp2

image: auhvr
Hopefully i am not gonna do anything, at all. Been out last night celebrating my friend birthday too. Woke up few hours ago and now i am helping a friend with his graduation project (coding a little socket communication app, booooriiinggggg).

So after all of this i just hope to rest on my sofa, watching some movie or just sleeping.
Why did you had a fight with 4 guys?

Tonight I'm gonna stay home, play it cool. My parents are leaving on holidays next week so there will be a time later for awesomeness. They play Terra Nova on television, might watch. Will be the french version though so I don't know if I'll manage to stand it..

Otherwise.. I'd like to tell you that Philippe Gilbert is such a lazy ass and congratulate C. Van Snick for her performance and her Bronze Medal at the Olympic Games!

edit: oh shit it's saterday night, Spielberg's show is tomorrow..
coz of a girl ofc :)
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