Man of Steel
29 Jul 2012, 21:52
pretty pumped for this to come out hbu you guys?, superman > batman
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
Iron Man, Batman and The Avengers were the only good ones.
Captain America, The Green Lantern, Daredevil, the Superman before this one, etc. were all pretty bad imo
Looking forward to a Deadpool movie, though.
Hulk wasnt the movie about the Hulk that featured in The Avengers movie, but it was a cool movie nontheless.
Ye, never really watched the Anima of Deadpool, but I read some stuff bout the character and he looks pretty bad-ass.
Im guessing that there will be a Justice League movie aswell in 2 years or something? Heard rumours about a movie with Flash.
It was a good episode , storyline picks up right were they left and its pretty exciting. for credits imo.