Crossfire Lan "Team" Project!


some might be old enough to remember the glorious time crossfire were able to send an allstar European mix team to the QuakeCon and I just though about doing something similar for the next Adroits event. I mean the top3 is more or less set in stone although the participating teams / players are not published yet... will be most likely Anexis, F5/all-Finish mix and 3rd to be shared between PDEG or a new surprising team?

Thus I thought about sending a new team - consisting of big legends like reload, Holz, darkie, Winghaven, aCozZ (insert some awesome oldskool players here) voted by our community/the members who contributed...

I just browse some and then and they currently work on something similar ..they gather money to send the best two american teams to the next i46 team fortress 2 lan...

So the basic idea is:
  • the users pay some euros to see their beloved players/team competing for the top position of the next adroits lan this October
  • each donator will have a vote for each class (so 6 votes overall)
  • in case the team wins some prizemoney it will be given back to the community (can be used as prizemoney for further cups or other competitions...)

the problem is: I dont have any experience in "charitable contribution" nor do I know if the community is ready for this

just some crazy thoughts to make the next lan event a bit bigger/better/ thrilling

your feedback=?
Depends if oldschoolers will come back
Alot of the decent/oldschool players now that are worth donating for are already in a team
IF oldskoolers will come back and I think that, that it never will happen.
who deleted my hARMEN for adroits topic
awesome idea :) too bad the community can't vote me :<
There is also a possibilty all ready open to donate money to Adroits for the prizepool, higher prizemoney may drag in some old schoolers to form a team as well.

Having two donatable(??) options is a bit much I reckon.

Though, I wouldn't mind seeing some oldschool guys forming a team, but I guess they aint that special, nor poor, they have to be paid for :P
imba ferus comeback!
Quotethe users pay

image: no
no chance oldschoolers will win anything sorry...

But I could just give me 5 more awsome players kk np.
I'd think that you would have to ask these 'legends' first if they would be interested in making a comeback.

I guess many might agree for a free trip to Holland and play a couple games during it for a laugh, but I don't see the point in sending out a team consisting of players that haven't touched the game for years, as the outcome would be horrible. If you'd actually find 6 'legends' that would be willing to put in the effort to get back in shape before the LAN, it would be something really interesting to see.
I like the idea but it"s nearly impossible to do.

Willing to chip in if this gets on the move though.
Xpaz - Raveneye - mystic, ferus, perfo - toxic = Win.
Sorry, you are not allowed to add yourself according to the Rules of Fake Modesty. This is a set of rules that has worked well on Crossfire in the past.
If I can't nominate myself I would have to nominate Saintt to finish off the lineup then! (But I'd rather nominate myself :(
Adroits needs Owzo or TosspoT
private shows only
In theory, it's good. In practice, it isn't.

Back when this was done, the prize pot was considerably higher than the one at Adroits LAN (afaik), so the benefits of this team going there and winning were much bigger.

It would be more beneficial for the community to donate to the prize pot of the LAN or to donate and just do online cups / leagues.
ok ok, i'll go guys

top 3 is not set already, u missed out overload and colt45
Finland mASCULINE_MANS avi for this, np
Would defo put €10 towards this
I'm here,pay me
Use your jew gold!
was talking to toxic about something like this for a while now! it all depends on the community though, I know I'll chip in something. ;P
you should start making a list of interested "legends", after having like 10+ players in there this "crossfire lan team" effort should be realizable. Just be sure that all those players are interested in praccing as well, for at least few wekks before lan, there would be no point of sending team which didn't put any effort prior to event.
let's be honest, even with months of prac.. this team would not stand a chance vs anexis, fin 6, pdeg, colt or overload.. i mean no offense to these "oldschoolers" who people love but the fact of the matter is that newschool > oldschool, many pieces of evidence can be provided to back this statement up.
Kinda depends though how and who you define as oldschool.

Oldschool could be ppl that are playing for years already and are still playing on the top of the game (e.g. Night, sqzz).
Oldschool could be ppl that have quit a couple of months or years ago, made an appearance here and there and could probably still compete with some months of intensive practise (e.g. Winghaven, mystic, toxic, teKoa etc.).
Or oldschool could be ppl that most likely haven't touched the game in years and won't be able to compete against the current top (e.g. Sanctity, Darkie or other 2003/4 veterans).

I gotta agree though that whoever might be picked for this team, have to prac their arses off to get into top3.
Indeed the definition isn't truly defined. I certainly do not mean Night and sqzz and alike.
urtier got it right, depends on players picked for the team. I personally can't see any ET veterans who haven't seen this game for years being interested in this project. But some "deified" oldschoolers won't need much to be able to challenge top3 (maybe not anexis, but the rest is beatable). Right now as I see it, we should be looking at inactive yet still from time to time playing players, like Clown, abort, meez, butchji and such. They are oldschool, they aren't playing actively for some time,but with enough motivation (like this effort), they could be brought back for viewers entertainment for a bit.

EDIT: seeing last OC season or two, even I can be considered oldschool these days :P
The four guys you already mentioned, plus snoop and gifty (and maybe zerender). Would be a team which in core already played together and were able to win a LAN. But nobody would pay a trip for sNoOp. h3h3h3
meez oldschool?
Players like Anderson and Winghaven (who haven't been inactive for long) could definitely stand a chance, whether they would play or not is another question.
am i missing the point here.. i mean didn't winghaven and reload quit et to play other games with more money?

and the community wants to pay for these players to go? i don't get it.. they already turned their back on ET for the ALMIGHTY dollar.
Ye I meant players that haven't been inactive for long could stand a chance, didn't mean them two specifically :D
Id like to see some american team sponsored to lan.
er no, americans are shit :\
shit and beating EU at qcon (oldschool) OK!
medics: squalli stuka Lepari
rifle: Sample
eng smg: ENSAM
fops/multiclasser: would be chosen by the rest of the team

Not a likely team to attend but I would chip in to see their performance.
you'd have to beat squall with a bat to get him out of anexis
Olba instead of squalli, squall got anexis.
how I see it, the problem lies in how to get them motivated enough to prepare well for the lan. I'd hate to see what happened to winfakt and wow again. Giving this some thought it seems extremely hard, if not impossible to carry out successfully.

not that I wouldn't love to see reload or ferus play again.
Would donate, though needed a good range of players to pick.
JB will win!
i remember a retarded gypsi suggested on a news posted by tosspot i believe,that every crossfire user to donate at least 1 euro for example,to a bank account managed by tosspot but them all was like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no.

me personally i would not donate for people who are good at this game but they suck as individuals,but i would donate for a lan where nice ppl who stand among others like real man,no matter what their skill is,would like to participate and make the event enjoyable both for them and the viewers.

nice people i know from this comunity are:scatman,talex,meehow,lullaby,skyzer,sylabil,banga,seareal,ati,maus,potty,mili,dialer,nebu,seanza,francis,rafek,azerty,nocs,koshito,kdl,boo,stonerrr,darius,goldorak,gabri22,marvolo,roony,lover,zal,wussie,raku,reshep,wiesiek,kalli,fwraven,eagle20,pingu,newbcake,bosshk,and many many others i forgot for now.

i would def not donate for ppl like :kamz,entire krp corporation,ross,fanatic,any team that got simonkinsler,keith,outlaw,and few others i dont remember right now.

i would pay up to 100 euro to see a team of players i never heard,players from first 3 4 years of et pro and cf comunity,yes i would pay god damn 100 euro to watch this guys play,more than i would pay to see keith face or goku face starring all day long and all night long at the thanks,for that shit i would not pay.

oo and i got money for those who ask themself how much money i got,well i got enough money at the moment to organise a lan with 10000 euros top prize,but no ,i won t do it,simply cause cf comunity overall,excepting few ppl,don t deserve this.
Thats the best thing i ever heard, totally agree
why u no donate for me :(((
i already made a journal about this....
Better chip in some money for the Fins or for the prizepool to attract more teams.
Get involved with the coverage for the event to push it and make it attractive for sponsors.
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