Consol at bar

Is it legal to play video games in a bar?
are you going into bars to play video games?
A mate ask me if it's legal or not. I
Is it legal to be completely retarded?
You have to pay to get a TV in your bar, else it's not legal. That why i'm asking
Why would it be illegal...?
In Germany at least, it would highly depend on the title you have playing on the console. If it's an 18+ rated title, you wouldn't be allowed to 1) allow the customers to play it, 2) show it in an open room before a certain time (22.00 or so). You could still have them playing all day long in a seperated room or any sort of area not accessible by everyone though.

I'm pretty sure that's also the reason why ET LANs are almost impossible in Germany because you'd only be allowed in, if you're 18 years and older (it's afaik not rated at all and therefore classified as an 18+ title)
If the bar would be an 18+ bar (like most of the bars are), there wouldnt be a problem.
Agreeing on all your other points tho
jup thats the major problem :)
There are some BarCraft in the world (in France too) where you can drink while watching/playing StarCraft II games, so I guess it's legal.

image: meltdowndrink

"Blue-flame hellion" cocktail at Meltdown Bar in France Paris !
is it legal to have a gaming consol at a bar?

first of all, diff states have diff laws, asking something like this might get u in truble
second, why the hell shouldnt a consol be legal, (it might depend on the games 18+ if u know what i mean) if you buy it and have papers for it and the tv ur pluging it in 2
i dont c any truble at all, if its ur bar ofc

if u walk into a bar plugin a consol, its not illegal either, but im sure ur gonna have a problem with the maneger

but hey, what the fuck do i know, the first job i had, i went out from the company to a restourant for lunch brake, got yelled at by my boss so hard
Probably need a TV licence at best. (If in UK)

The terms of the sale of the console in question will inform you if you can use it for commercial purposes. I would imagine you won't be able to charge for playtime.

Game age ratings shouldn't apply, since you can't be a bar drinking at 12!! (Unless you live in Liverpool, awreet, buzzing', laughing' toffee apple laaaaad)

Should be fine. Tell your friends to his/her research instead of asking you. I assume this person is MEANT to be running a business.
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