Help redecorating my Living Room #1

HI! I decided to start improving my room / redecorate my room, after I have been living in a bit of a mess. I'm still in army (one point eight years ~ so far) and I still have a year left. That means I'm not much in my room. After Army, which is a year and a couple of months more, I am planning to still live with my parents for a couple of more years (working and studying).
That means I need a steady, clean, decorated and stylish (or unique?) room to feel comfortable in. In this I'm now starting this project, which hopefully will consist of a couple of more journals in the future, with pictures of before and after. It should take a couple of weeks to months, until I get the right satisfaction.

So now - I still haven't made a picture of my room yet, but I'm hoping in this journal to get introduction to sites, ideas, items, areas that can improve the room. Anything that you used to improve or decorate your room, advices and so on.

So far I though of:
Drawing / painting on the wall
Buying decorative pillows
Buying a 'smell' perfumes decorations ( those you burn and they provide nice smell)
A small carpet
Poster / picture.

Also, if you have any great deals from eBay where I can buy interesting items, I'd love to.. I tried looking at eBay but I was a bit lost as I couldn't find which category to look at.

Pictures in the next journal!!!
Take a look here . This is a architecture website, but sometimes there is some inside pictures, maybe it will inspire you or give some ideas! :P
Didn't understand the picture
A friend of mine has this in his room above his bed, looks awesome!
where could i get it from?
Pictures first :/
it depends on windows (light) and stuff like that..
That's true...I'll provide a picture in the next couple of days.
tupac poster
Don't get incense to burn. That's gay and smells horrible. I'd say get some plants! They make the air better and look good and natural.

How old are you? If you are going to work and study, get a flat or at least a room somewhere.
I'm 20. As I said earlier, I'm still in army for the next year and a half. After that I still have time to get a job and start studying / preparing for studying, figuring out what I want in my life. I don't think I should run so fast in been independent. It will cost me too much money that can be saved.

Also, Am not talking about incense. I'm talking about oil perfumes that once you bun them on something, they produce great smell. I just need a nice looking 'item' for that.
Still, if you can afford a flat during your studies - go for it! :)
may gawd what a pointless journal
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