LoL vs HoN

Just wanna know the difference? I got LoL, just downloaded it yesterday, and I sorta get the basics. However I see that HoN is also quite popular along with LoL, so I just wanna know if someone played/plays both games, could you tell me the difference?
you cant deny in lol :)
and thats the shit
LoL is simpler and incredibly popular
HoN is faster, not very popular and kinda ruined these days
Dota2 is more complex and harder to learn, but less popular than LoL
what do u mean by ruined?
They kept adding heroes and rebalancing items without actually rebalancing heroes. Most of the new heroes are just cheesey, bad concepts. The best thing about hon was how amazing the dota heroes felt on the engine. It was so smooth and responsive, heroes like pyromancer and soulstealer were able to be played on such a high level due to the engine capabilities, but new faceroll heroes came out ruining the balance, taking away from how good the engine actually was.

If you care about the smoothest engine and fast gameplay play hon.

If you like good hero balance (not 100 percent balance currently or anything but there will be balance patches) and fun hero concepts play dota 2.

If you just want a game to piss about on with your friends and you are easy going and don't really mind win or lose play lol.

All games have their positves and drawbacks, every person will have a game which they will prefer. Don't listen to dota vs hon vs lol arguments.
dota2 would prolly be a huge success if they would finally release it ^^
hon is fucked up, but according to many its better because its harder than LoL. Still LoL is a highquality game and especially on highlevel massively active (Tournaments streamed and casted every single day) and really interesting to watch.
depends on what you are looking for. either way mobas are hard games to learn if you dont have any previous experience (warcraft for example).
then you will have to determine how serious you want to be and what is most important to you.
all 3 games have enough of a player base to be able to supply you with games no matter what time of day.
if however playing the most popular game is important to you LoL is your choice. do you like being the underdog? HoN is your game. Are you the "early adapter" type of person? Dota2 is the right game for you.
otherwise its rather common to think of the games as different satges of difficulty.
LoL is designed to be a welcoming experience for new players (as much as mobas permit such a thing). it will also let you customize and develop your account which is (usually) more of a thing for casual gamers. LoL has its own meta game and has immense prize pools due to its popularity but at the same time those user numbers also mean that your chances to be anything above average are rather slim.
HoN has a rotten community and the only reason dota2 hasnt replaced it yet is that it has a faster pace and is also generally easier than dota2.
dota2 is rather impossible to master without any previous knowledge. a couple thousand games to stomp average pubsters.
Thanks HugTheSub, Shuki, and Baggiez, I sorta get the hang of it.. however I'm trying to go into a easy going game with, that is fun, easy to learn, enjoyable, competitive, and active, and of course balanced and fairness.
So what game suites me?

Also, can someone help me learn LoL? If you can take questions, because I'm a noob-beginner so :P

BTW, i get 40-60 fps in LoL mostly 60, at automatic settings, which is High, not Very High, is that good ? is it normal?
Just play LoL

HoN was good 2 years ago but I wouldn't recommend starting now and if you play Dota2 then you're going to be shit and everyone is going to abuse you for being shit and call you a nigger.
can you play league of legends only within your continent? so for example, im in the North America, can I only play with the people that are from USA & Canada?
yes the servers are localized. dont really know if youd be able to get an american account, i suppose you do. there is even a difference between EU west and EU east,
you are limited to the server you choose ( like eu west or one of the american servers) but you can make more accounts on different servers ( since its free anyways).
you can make another account on another server. I've got 1 or 2 on north america and a few on EU West
you can play with me and on bangas ts;D

lol: imgifty
dota > hon > lol
I seem to hate Dota, though mmorpg/rpg/mmo that I like are: Mapelstory, WoW, Diablo, and Guild Wars :P
Dota is from WoW

Dota was a game which was originally a mod of Warcraft 3. Warcraft 3 pre-dates World of Warcraft and has all of the major characters from the series. In Dota you will play as Stitches, the Lich King, Illidan, Thrall, etc.
QuoteDota is from WoW

i guess u mean wc3
tried hon ( played like 10mins :d )

i think LoL is easier to understand, gonna play more hon to try soon
HON is dying.
Started from a P2P, now a F2P.
And recently, they made all the heroes free to play. LOL.
Hon all the way, but yeah as many people said it's slowly dying... I'd play LoL if it was my first moba game.
I want hon closed beta back!
LoL is more teambased game. What I mean, you can't just roll over everyone like at HoN with 1 champ. LoL doesn't have denying(can't kill your own minions).

To learn LoL(I posted this to another topic some time ago):

Pre-learning: Dictionary: Basic Game Mechanic Guides). Laning: usually its 1 top, 1 mid, 2 bot and 1 jungle. At lower level games there is rarely any jungler, so its 2(top) 1(mid) 2(bot). Summoner spells(your spells, not dependant of any champion).

1. Learn all the champions, what are their skillsets, how much dmg they do about, cooldowns of the skills etc. This might take ~4-10 months, depending on how actively you will play. Though you can get the general idea what the different champs do during couple of months. (All the champions with up-to-date infos: )

2. Maybe the most important thing in long run is to learn the last hitting with different champs. They have different aa(auto-attack) animations and it might take some time to adjust to them. Don't aa minions, just hit the killing blow--> your lane wont get pushed--> harder to gank. Also, versus bots you can pretty much freefarm, so its a good place to learn it. It becomes little bit more difficult when you face better opponents, since they can harass you when you are going for last hit --> decisions: is that 1 last hit worth of taking x amount of damage? Can I trade dmg back and win the trade(I do more dmg than him)?`Or does enemy has some sustain(healing, life steal, spell vamp, potions) maybe more than I do, so is it worth of it? And so on...

3. During the first ~20 levels just play as much different champions as you can. Also learn the Masteries and Runes, what they are, what different champions usually use etc. Also learn to pay attention to minimap! Notice enemies missing and at later on if someone of enemies is somewhere alone(5on4), you can force objectives(baron, dragon, towers/inhibitors) and so on...

4. Just play. Watch some streams( and tournaments. Read guides(preferably up-to-date ones). And as already mentioned, save your IP for runes, most common ones will cost you around 60k IP. Sounds a lot, but it isnt after all. Also try to use your "First win of a day" -IP bonus every day. You get double IP for your first win of the day, resets after 22h. So just try to get even that 1 win every day(normal win ~70-110ip, with bonus ~150-240ip. Quick math: Lets assume you dont have much time to play, you get 300ip/day. 3000ip/10days. ~60k IP takes ~200 days(~6,5months). Double the amount you play and you get 600IP/day, its ~3months. Use some money and get IP boosts(double IP) and its 1,5-2months.

Most common runes you will need(Quints x3, others x9):

+1,5% Movement Speed
+2.25 Attack Damage
+3.33 Armor Penetration
+2.7 Health regeneration / 5
+1.0 Gold / 10
+5.0 Ability Power
+26 Health

+0.95 Attack Damage
+1.7 Armor Penetration
+ 0.95 Magic Penetration
+1.7% Attack Speed
+0.91 Armor

+1.41 Armor
+1.2 Mana Regen/ 5 at lvl18
+19 Health at lvl 18

+2.7 Magic Resist at lvl 18
+0.99 Ability Power OR +3.1 Ability Power at lvl 18

Total amount of IP needed:[/u]
Quints: 29220
Red: 14760
Yellow: 7380
Blue: 5535
56895 IP is needed for most common runes.

5. All the rest what there is to say. Now you know all the champs, you are able to last hit properly, you have got some gamesense, you know what to build to different champions, you start to learn good team compositions(what works well, what doesnt), you are able to counterpick enemies or if enemy counterpicks you(for example: you choose akali to top, enemy takes lee sin-->you are screwed) you understand to play safe and basically farm under your tower, not to challenge him and just ask ganks from jungler, wait for end of laning phase.

DO NOT FEED! Example: You are solotop, enemy kills you, you spawn, you go back to lane, don't go 1on1 vs him, chances are you will die again(less xp-->enemy is higher lvl-->more base hp, base dmg, dmg/shield/utility from skills). Also enemy has now more gold(kill+freefarm) and once he goes b(press b in-game-->after some seconds you teleport to base) and comes back, he has usually clear advantage. So just farm, pray ganks and play safe. Harass when its safe to do so. Get some sustain to heal back enemy harass(life steal, potions). If enemy does mostly ad dmg, get some armor. If magic dmg, get some mr(magic resist). Simple, but majority of people are not able to do it(sample excuses: BUT THEN I DONT HAVE DMG, I CAN'T AFFORD TO GET WARDS + DEFENSIVE THINGS, I'M USELESS LATER ON...blabla).

Btw, if I haven't mentioned it yet, always get wards. Learn the most ganking routes and put wards wisely. Wards(vison) win the games(random warding guide: ).

Mhh lastly I would like to say that usually people think that you should play according to meta. Which atm means bruiser(tanky, still able to do shitloads of dmg) or ap top, ap mid, support+ad carry bot and jungler(pref tanky) which has some utility(stuns, slows etc) but is still able to do some dmg. Yes, it is good basic-composition, but its all about 1. counterpicking 2. the team composition, how the team synergies. Also untill the very top of LoL, you can play decently with any champion, just learn it, different tricks etc. People just think that its either x,x or x champion for that lane or role and start crying and flaming when someone doesnt pick any of those champs.

Anyway, I hope you can pick some bit of information from this messy text :) And remember, have fun! I guarantee that sometimes you will feel like smashing your monitor/laptop hard because of idiots the game sometimes has. :D

Also very good guide, basically must read:
damn thx! i just gotta learn about the runes and each champions, my friend said dont worry about runes until ur lvl 20?
Ye basically dont worry about runes untill u know t he game better. So don't buy runes untill ur lvl20 because then u 'unlock' lvl3 runes(best ones).
Also if possible dont buy champions before you have got those ~60k ip cost runes. :p Runes are very important for early game, i prefer to get runes first and then some champions. (ofc u can buy some very cheap champions like 450ip or 1350ip cost champions, just dont get any 6300ip or 4800ip or even 3150ip cost champions) Just save those IP's for those runes and you will thank me later.
bro, you got xfire? can you help me? i use ashe for now, thats the only champ i bought so far, and its actually fun.. easy and ranged and high in damage :P
League of Legends - Just terrible

HoN - Fun with friends but terrible community

Dota 2 - Only play if you have a premade team. Solo with russians is the worst feeling in the world.
Playing dota2 with russians feels like being one of those circus actors where you have to spin plates on sticks. If you leave one alone for too long the games overs.
Hahaha indeed! Bloody Russians i really hate them!! Like when i went to the olympics to watch volleyball. Bulgaria vs god the worst nightmare! Almost had to throw some bows!
well i played both of em and enjoyed them both tbh :D, but LoL is more popular and it was more fun to play..

but atm i like to play smite <3
LoL is incredibly easy to learn. If you have no experience in MOBAs Dota 2 is just pure hell. Even after you've played LoL dota 2 is hard to learn. HoN is dying afaik so I don't recommend to start it :P.
Dying as in slowly getting more players.

The competitive side of it is "dying" though.
I dont get why all ppl say HoN is dying since 100k players are playing actually.
LoL is teeribad ( for me atleast)
HoN is nice
Dota 2 is like HoN (xp/denie/&stuff) but with others gfx and a bit more slow)
LoL is way better than dota and hon
nerds normally fight over Hon being better than lol and the other way around. i dont think thats true. I played both Lol and Hon. the big difference is that lol is more based on strategy, teamplay etc rather than mechanical skill where hon is more based on mechanical skill rather than teamplay or strategys. take for example league runes and masteries and summoner spells those things create a way more openings for new strategys. another example in hon everything is more hardcore, (Most) champions are harder than champions in league of legends. this makes individual mechanical skill more important. also hon its gameplay is more hardcore, you can stomp an enemy solo and carry the game 1v5 if your good enough. in league this is a way harder, you can stomp your enemy farm up and in the end still end up losing the game because your team isn't playing good enough or because you lack teamplay.

tl;tr: lol is more based on strategy, teamplay - hon is more based on mechanical skill - just a personal preference
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